Sorry I'm late! I am actually very surprised that I received the Honorary Guest Ticket for today. Thanks again Mike for the fun idea! Now LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!!Ok folks, its that time of year. Halloween. And what a great excuse to start a new "Blog" party group. Party reviews are ...
HUD issued Mortgage Letter 2009-08 on Thursday March 12th changing the LTV/CLTV limits on cash-out refinances. Effective April 1, 2009 the LTV of any cash out refinance will be limited to 85%. HURRY ACT NOW! These changes will only affect case numbers assigned after April 1, 2009. If you have...
There are so many gadgets, tools, software etc available to us to help make our jobs easier. Some are free and some are not. I thought I would take some time and share with you the one tool in my tool kit that I just could NOT live without. That tool is the PdfEdit995 program. If all you ne...
Most generally we all want to receive something for free. But how many of us would actually be willing to work for free? With the economic struggles lately, everyone is feeling the pinch. It seems that there is far more month left at the end of the money. When the staff at a small "ma and pa" ...
Over the past few weeks I have been out looking at homes for sale for my little sister. Because of the price range she qualifies for, we have been looking at REO properties. I have to admit the first time we went out we definitely experienced what one might call "foreclosure shock". Prior to t...
With all the things that keep me busy during the day it seems I have little time to play here on AR. I never thought I'd break the 5000 point mark (though that pales in comparison to some of you) but I finally did. In my desire to get better acquainted with members and be more "social" I have ...
I remember this time last year when I was staring out of the window awe struck at the amount of snow on the ground. By the end of January we had 63 inches of snow. That beat the average by 30 inches! Everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off, complaining about the a...
Everyone critiques themselves in one way or another, but at times self evaluation does not achieve the same benefits as having an associate give you assessment as to what improvements can be made in your services. I pride myself as being really good at what I do. One of the ways I achieve this is...