Sharon Lee's thoughts, ideas and passions

Services for Real Estate Pros - Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance



Hello everyone-A while back I noticed in the comment sections of many of my followers blogs all of a sudden a lot of the profile pics were smaller than some of the others when they commented. I didn't know why but didn't think anything about it until one day Ron and Alexandra Seigel made a commen...
On Jan 1 of this year I started my 8th year on Active Rain. It is hard to believe I have been part of this community a little over 7 years, I started commenting and posting a few months before Jan 1 2009 but signed up on Jan 1 2009. It has opened up a whole new world for me.  I never knew what bl...
Hello everyone-As some of you know that read my last BLOG Mom ended up in the hospital and then rehab because of a UTI. The rehab center unfortunately is an hour drive one way so I only go twice a week. She is a bit stronger than she was but still has a ways to go before she is strong enough to c...
Good morning everyone-On my Florida getaway I stopped at St Petersburg where they had this place with some of Dale Chihuly's work on display. I learned a lot there about Dale and how he got his start, his education, his car accident in his 30's which rendered him blind in one eye yet he went on t...

Sharon Lee

Retired and loving life
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Virtual assistance for realtors