Sharon Lee's thoughts, ideas and passions

Services for Real Estate Pros - Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance



Good Saturday morning everyone-This chilly snowy morning reminds me of the song "The weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful" Well in my case the electric heater is anyways. Even if I wanted to go anywhere I wouldn't be able to because of all the heavy snow and our secondary ro...
Good afternoon everyone-As many of you know I left for Florida on the evening of the 11th and I returned last night about 4:30 pm.  I was so glad to be home and sleep in my own bed(more about that later) and to see my kitty Shadow. She was so very happy too.I am VERY thankful that I didn't plan t...
Good morning everyone-Tomorrow evening I leave for Fla. the temps will be much better than here. My kind of temps actually. In the mid 60's-70's during the day. I will return on the afternoon of the 21st. I will be flying off into the wild blue yonder.My flight leaves close to 6 pm and I get to T...
Good afternoon everyone-2015 has been a good year in many ways. While I have had some physical struggles and unfortunate setbacks along my journey in 2015 there are many things that happened that I am so grateful for and feel incredibly blessed to have that I didn't have before. It was an excitin...

Sharon Lee

Retired and loving life
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Virtual assistance for realtors