Custom Woodworking. Custom Caskets. Okay. ...but then I read the rest of the rest of the sign! Custom Caskets Kitchen Cabinets Cedar Chests Gun Cabinets Cremation Urns Email! Tuesday afternoon found me north of Arizona in Utah. You know I always have my camera with me, and this sign made me hi...
~ Serendipity Saguaro Sunrise ~ Tuesday sunrise found me driving on I-10 between Tucson and Phoenix in the tiny town of Picacho, and I saw these clouds in my rear view mirror. Pulling off the highway, I started snapping photos of the spectacular color. It wasn't until I downloaded the photos t...
Arizona has at least 10 Fly-In Communities. Oro Valley's La Cholla Airpark, located 20 miles northwest of downtown Tucson, is one of these. This photo of the final approach to La Cholla Airpark's runway is featured on their home page, along with a disclaimer (under the tab "Pilot/Airport Informa...
~ Mountain Lion's View ~ That's a ranch house you see on the valley floor below. Cattle graze down there, unaware of the danger above. People go about their daily work, oblivious to North America's largest cat. There are more than 40 names in English for this cat. Cougar, Puma, Painter, Moun...
A Ballpark Estimate... A financial planner found me on Active Rain, and sent me the following message: Hello Mike, We have a client who may look into taking a Jumbo loan on his residence. More than likely it will be a $900k loan so I wanted to check rates, how it underwritten and approximate pay...
~ Labor Day Sunset from Gates Pass, Tucson, AZ ~ ___________________ (I don't copyright my photos anymore. I use them mostly for blogging and creating greeting cards for friends.) Right click on an image, copy and use it! Click the Send Out Cards logo below. Send a real card to someone you love...
~ Giant Saguaro Cactus ~ ___________________ (I don't copyright my photos anymore. I use them mostly for blogging and creating greeting cards for friends.) Right click on an image, copy and use it! Click the Send Out Cards logo below. Send a real card to someone you love. (Card and postage are...
~ Cocoraque Ranch at Sunset ~ ___________________ (I don't copyright my photos anymore. I use them mostly for blogging and creating greeting cards for friends.) Right click on an image, copy and use it! Click the Send Out Cards logo below. Send a real card to someone you love. (Card and postag...
~ Who knows where this is in Tucson, AZ? ~ ___________________ (I don't copyright my photos anymore. I use them mostly for blogging and creating greeting cards for friends.) Right click on an image, copy and use it! Click the Send Out Cards logo below. Send a real card to someone you love. (Ca...