Mike Tolj's (miketolj) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Tolj Commercial Real Estate - DRE01373646
Are you looking to invest in the commercial real estate industry but concerned about how unfavorable interest rates may affect your purchase decision? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Many first-time investors worry that the current high-interest environment will increase their borrowing co...
As the world economies continue to unravel from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s no surprise that commercial real estate investing is also being affected by the banking crisis. But what’s not so immediately obvious is how exactly this could affect investments in 2023 and beyond.In this blog post, we e...
Are you ready to put your commercial property on the market? Selling a commercial building can be an exciting and profitable endeavor, however, there are many important details that should not be overlooked. Without proper preparation and attention to detail, individuals may find themselves makin...
Getting ready to lease or sell your commercial property? You want to be sure that it’s in tip-top shape to attract as many potential buyers as possible. And that’s where staging comes in!Staging can be a worthwhile investment to improve the rate of return on property sales. In fact, it often cost...
Commercial real estate cap rates are an important part of the investment process. In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about cap rates and how they can impact your investments. We will cover topics such as what a cap rate is, how to calculate it, and how to use it to make in...

Mike Tolj

Commercial Real Estate Without the Stress!
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