I've posted the link to my latest "Spring Market Update" below. >
The economy is so bad-- 1. I went to buy a toaster oven and they gave me a bank. 2. I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail. 3. CEO's are now playing miniature golf. 4. Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars are now trading higher than GM. 5. Obama met with small businesses - GE, Pfizer, Chrysler, Ci...
We've put together an All*Star group of advisors ready to assist you in realizing your goal of purchasing a home in this Historic Buyers market!! We have two CPA's, An attorney and a lender who will qualify you right on the spot to buy the home you have desired! Here's a breakdown of our sched...
Ive had the recent displeasure of having a listing "hijacked" while posted on Craigs list. The listing, taken over by a mortgage broker, which means they "bounced" me off craigslist to do it, was then copied and re-posted under their mortgage company. Flattering but since it was a Countrywide REO...
Last year I had the good fortune to work with one of the larger banks in the sale of their REO (real estate owned) or foreclosed upon properties. I attribute this to my attitude of always being helpful to everyone in our industry and to always being kind and considerate to all professionals who...
Our market in certain price points is a very hot "Seller's" market. If you are a bank/REO seller, we have a 1.5 months supply of homes available on the market. Overall, our supply is around 4 months. CAR states 6 months supply is a "balanced" market. However, Short-Sales? Over 7 months supply, 19...
I find many a Realtor/Agent, after they've done their due diligence or contingencies for physical inspections, will come back with this long list of items and a huge dollar amount for a total. Now many an REO NEED a ton of work!! However, the Lender is NOT selling you a new home! Some Realtor/Age...
December 2008 "Stats" All Listings for Sonoma County (includes further breakdowns below): Actives CTS (Continue to Show) Pending Sales #: 1870 689 167 457 4 months ...
I wanted to put this out there to the Active Rain community to see if we have another unregulated industry taking the already beaten down consumer to the cleaners along the path of foreclosure!-- The Loan Modifications Scam or Savior? This is a big buzz word in the real estate industry. We have ...
I know times are tough for many a Realtor out there in real estate land. We are tempted to work outside our areas of expertise because we really NEED a transaction to close! But as the old guru once said, "Always want a deal but don't NEED a deal!" I see way too many Realtors working either out o...