Mike Mueller, Social Media Student

Education & Training - Tech and Social Media Consultant
It's all about using technology, and harnessing that power in a smart and effective way.
Yup! It’s just like that…  Via: Online Schools
It certainly is one of my Pet Peaves.  Jeff does a great job of illustrating the thinking behind why you should not. Hey, I was guilty of doing exactly this (for a very very short time). My outgoing message was one of importance, had a good message to it, and I thought really needed to be heard. ...
Not really, but it makes this sound really spectacular doesn’t it? After finding out that I could create a List on Facebook and make it public I wanted to explore a little of how this could work. Backstory: Everyone I have added as a friend in Facebook has gone into a list (private).  The reason...

AreWeConnected has gone RED for the day.  Why?     Today, Wednesday, December 1 marks (RED)’s World AIDS Day, wherelandmarks around the world will be illuminated in red lights to highlight the cause of HIV/AIDS prevention. The organization’s goal is for the year 2015 to mark the beginning of the...
Not sure why or how I got there but somebody at Realtor.com put me on their list In honor of Thanksgiving, we wanted to share our list of 100 real estate folks who we at REALTOR.com® Blogs are most thankful for this year. Really?  I’m not worthy… But hey, thanks!  As with any list I’m deeply hon...
During the Thanksgiving holiday – I’m looking to build a few custom facebook pages for charity.  Last year I did a few, including one of my personal favoritesSkip1.org.  It’s a simple concept – skip something (like a cup of coffee at your local coffee house) and instead, donate that money where ...
I need $5 dollars and just 5 minutes of your time – ok? As you may know I’m growing my first ever scrap of facial hair in support of Movember.  Not familiar with Movember?  I like to think of it as the Pink Ribbon campaign for Men’s Cancer. Here’s NHL tough guy George Parros shaving his legendar...
Hey Charlene Storozuk  LOVE the MO! Anyone who wants a MO - send me an email Mike912Mueller@gmail.com and we'll get you styled! and Please - Join our team!  http://us.movember.com/mospace/521536/   Worldwide Prostate Cancer support groups are encouraging men to grow a moustache (also known as a M...
Warning:  Personal Opinions may be expressed here… What probably sounded like a great idea to start – highlighting the real estate industries most influential person, seems to have gone the way of FastCompany’s Influence Project. According to Inman’s Website (http://www.inman.com/news/2010/10/27...
Warning LONG POST! I previously asked (Comment, ReTweet, Like or Share?) what you would prefer a reader to your blog do (assuming they do just one thing).  There’s an advantage and disadvantage to each.     Let’s take a look… The Comment What used to be the defining attribute of blogs, the comme...

Mike Mueller

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