Interesting title? It could have easily been "99 comments that mean almost nothing except to you for the points". Or how about "Why in the world did you even take the time to comment?" The following are just random comments I pulled from posts. We've all seen them (or plenty of others just lik
Recently, Robert Scoble identified a few of the things that were missing in Google Plus. The short story is that Robert knows a bunch of venture capitalists. He put them all in a circle called “VC’s” and then expected to be able to go to that circle and see a whole bunch of VC specific stuff.
Like many of you I used to go to conferences, networking events and other events and happily pass out my business card. Shortly after which I started seeing email newsletters show up in my inbox. I tried a different tactic. I now hand out custom laptop stickers that have my website, twitter a
Most of the time I just let things like this pass. Every now and again… Not so much. My email notification says I was just invited to an Open House! I really have to wonder why? After all, I’m not in the market, I don’t sell real estate, and the distance to this event is only 3,000 miles away!
A good friend of mine runs an animal sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. She pours her heart and soul into doing everything she can to help injured or distressed animals. With little funding, she’s barely able to make ends meet. With just a couple of clicks you can do good! “Healing HEART Sanctuary is
It’s now been a month since I was coerced into joining Empire Avenue. Right from the start I had a single, well defined goal. I want to meet and start new conversations / connections with people. Doubters and Skeptics? I may still be one. I even stated that I was Searching for value, I’ve see
Long Story, Short? Quite the opposite. Many years ago I started a small group on Linkedin to better help agents dealing with the struggles of Short Sales. This was back in the days when Linkedin required you to submit a group for approval. Every group
The Good News is that I have unlimited invites - the bad news I don't have unlimited time. Here's all I need from you... Your gmail address Before you ask for a Google plus invite, here are the two things you should know: 1. Google Plus works only with Google accounts that have an active Google
My friend Jerry Kidd wrote an excellent article “It’s no longer cool to not be technology literate” and I completely agree. But then I started thinking (Danger Will Robinson!) What would be the basic skill set a person who wants to actively engage in new media marketing need? Here’s my short l
Yup – Just do it! Nike nailed it. It doesn’t matter if it’s blogging, podcasting, running a Facebook Page, or twitter. It could be writing a novel, or beginning a new career in photography or running a marathon. None of it happens if you don’t first START. As it pertains to this topic (gettin