Mike Mueller, Social Media Student

Education & Training - Tech and Social Media Consultant
It's all about using technology, and harnessing that power in a smart and effective way.
No hiding the fact that one of my favorite charities right now is Skip1.org.  You may have seen one of my tweets about them, or a Facebook post. The fact is that I love the concept.  Skip something small and insignificant in your life, donate what you would have spent on that item, and make a ve...
There are 4 ways to bring outside content into your Facebook Fan Page. RSS or any application that pulls the RSS automatically Notes – Facebooks own way to pull an RSS Embedded Link – Just start typing the link into the box The “Attach a LINK” button. I believe the LINK button is the best – here...
Testing a plugin called “photodropper” that is supposed to pull in images from Flickr with the correct Creative Commons License, add the proper photo credit and do some other things.. You can find it here: http://www.photodropper.com/wordpress-plugin/ With the Photo Dropper plugin, you can now s...
I speak often about Fan Conversion being a critical part of any Facebook Page. If a visitor doesn't become a Fan on the first viewing of your Fan Page you've probably lost your one and only chance. If you go to my main Fan Page (http://facebook.com/MikeMuellerConsulting) I've built a special land...
I want you to watch this video.  The band is the same one that brought us that beautifully choreographed music video using 6 running treadmills.  It’s funny and entertaining but that’s not why it’s here. When you watch you might notice that’s it’s one take. It’s called a “Long Shot“.  No cuts, n...
Here's 14 reasons your business should! According to the latest stats from Facebook itself… More than 350 million active users 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared e...
One of the things I’ve been putting off for a very long time is the creation of my Privacy Policy.  I found a free and easy online Privacy Policy generator site at http://www.freeprivacypolicy.com. The site quickly produced a bunch of dry boring legal sounding text that I could place on my websit...
This morning I suggested to that since this is the last day of the year, it’s also the last day to make someone’s day by writing them an unsolicited recommendation on Linkedin. I did it on Linkedin: I did it on Twitter: And I did it on Facebook: Linkedin or not, who would you like to recognize, ...
Not only join… Make a donation, Suggest to all your friends Use the Reblog button here and share this post with your friends and followers. These were my actual tweets. Each image links to their Facebook Page: Is there a Charity on Facebook you think should be added to the list? Add them to your ...
Image via Wikipedia The movie "Home Alone" is a christmas staple around our house. I think we can recite each and every line by rote. By sheer luck I happened upon the greatest use of a Twitter List I think I've ever seen. The list is http://twitter.com/HATProject/homealone and it was created by...

Mike Mueller

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