These articles keep popping up. Check out this one by Seth Sutel from the associated Press. Read Full Article>> Here are some snippets: What’s worse is that a lot of that advertising may never come back to newspapers even if the real estate sector recovers. That’s because a significant chunk of t
“O.K., I admit it—I worked at McDonald’s once…” Like an estimated one in eight U.S. workers, one of my first jobs was at the local McDonald’s. It wasn’t that bad; I even spent quality time sporting the Hamburglar costume for the kids (which paid an extra 20 bucks, by the way). Plus, I got to spen
07/24/2007 reports New York Times Hit as Housing Moves to Web Smith, president of Realogy Corp., the largest residential real estate broker in the U.S., said the portion of his Coldwell Banker and Century 21 branding budget devoted to newspapers will shrink by as much as two-thirds next year
Visit by Wilshire Homes and you’ll see why I’m looking over my shoulder. OK, maybe I’m not that worried about my job but this is a cool feature! They created a microsite to encourage interaction with a “Virtual” Online Sales Counselor named Sheila. Wilshire reports
I thought this to be a little ironic. I am burning through my feeds from all of the latest real estate news and at the end I see 2 articles. Just a tiny bit contradictory.No matter what the market does - the recent leveling off has required agents to tighten up their processes. One of the areas
You might think about jumping online and searching for a new home in your area. One of the benefits of marketing online is the rate at which you can change directions and strategy, but it is a double edged sword. If you fail to keep up with the market you can easily be left behind in a cloud of
I am often asked “How and where should I spend my online marketing dollars?” With so many options - I wanted to give a “quick start” guide for builders. After you decide on a budget (I would recommend at least 25% of your total marketing budget) you need get to work on the areas that will drive
I wanted to add a post for the market study by the NAHB’s Institute of Residential Marketing and Harris Interactive. It was conducted in association with and wrapped up in late 2005. It has been mentioned frequently in the industry and is a great resource when analyzing your own program
The National Association of Realtors recently announced the "30 under 30" awards and one of the main criteria was the use of technology in their business. You can read the whole article here: REALTORS® Under 30 Remake Real Estate ServicesThe vibe of the article is that the younger Realtors seem t
Most builders and Realtors have the same questions about the success rate of an Online Sales Program. How many leads do you get each month? How many of those are converted to an appointment? How many appointments end up on contract? What are your statistics etc… I would like to share what numbers