Can I Short Sale To a Family Member? The question of “Can I short sale to my family member?” gains immense relevance when considering the fact that a number of homeowners face foreclosure. There is no doubt that opting for a short sale is a far better avenue to take, rather than having to forfeit
How to Prepare A Short Sale Package In order for you to get short sale approval from your lender you must first submit a short sale package containing various documents that demonstrate that you meet the qualifications required for a real estate short sale. The short sale package you submit will
What Are The Qualifications For A Short Sale? As a distressed homeowner, you’ve likely heard of short sales as an alternative to a foreclosure. You’ve perhaps heard that a short sale can help you salvage what remains of your credit, allow you to become a homeowner again much sooner, and that it c
Here is an article I just posted on The Short Sale Specialist Network blog comparing the benefits of a mortgage short sale VS foreclosure. We have many excellent resources and information about short sales on there. PLEASE COMMENT ON THAT BLOG if you enjoy this or any of our other resources! Be
Wasp Spray More Effective Than Pepper Spray I know some of you own GUNS but this is something to think about...---If you don't have a gun, here's a more humane way to wreck someone's evil plans for you. Did you know this? I didn't. I never really thought of it before. I guess I can get rid of th
3 Ways on How to Effectively Stop a Foreclosure With such a delicate economy, one of the most common concerns especially among homeowners is how to stop a foreclosure. Essentially, in order to stop it, you must first try to understand what it is. A foreclosure is a type of legal process whe
Is Strategic Mortgage Default a Good Idea? Due to the uncertainty of economic conditions and the increasing number of property foreclosures, many homeowners are asking the question, “Is strategic mortgage default a good idea?” Before contemplating the answer to this query, it is important to f
Recently one of our customers asked and wanted to know, "what is a CDD fee for?", so I sent her this information in an email. What CDD stands for is Community Development District Fee. In times past, the developer of a community added the cost of the infrastructure, (electrical, roads, sewer syst
We have created a VERY unique page on our Jacksonville real estate website. We have posted the covenants and restrictions for over 150 neighborhoods in Jacksonville and Northeast Florida. home owners can now view all Jacksonville community Covenants and Restrictions. Over the last four years,
Steve Jobs' Seven Secrets to Success: 1. Do what you love. Jobs once said, "People with passion can change the world for the better." Asked about the advice he would offer would-be entrepreneurs, he said, "I'd get a job as a busboy or something until I figured out what I was really passionate abo