Real Estate Talk - Talk2Midori

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Talk 2 Midori, LLC - BK645709
Midori talks about real estate, social media and life's important matters. Lets connect!



Daytona Beach and it's surrounding areas there is a lot of legends, folklore and history. While we are known for our World's Most Famous Beach, we also have lots and lots of history.  Put it all together and you have The Daytona Ghost Walk....another way to spend your Halloween! Now the Daytona G...
Now if I timed this right, today is a very special day!  I graduate!  That's right I'm a big girl now with 100,000 points.  That makes me move to the Silver Star Hall of Fame.  For 16 months I have been committed to blogging. 100,000 points to me a real accomplishment but the biggest accomplishme...
It wasn't too long ago that I received a call from a Short Sale Specialist Wayne Garab of River City Home Solutions. We talked on the phone for a while laughing at some of these short sale trainings that exist. You have to understand that I have been doing short sales since the 90's. So yes, I do...
2008 is around the corner...Are you still doing the same thing over and over to expect different results? If so I say get with the program and reinvent yourself. Keep in mind your real estate career is what you make of it.Come January 2nd, 2008 you want your systems in place and you want to be re...
Now I have to admit I am a lucky person.  Could it be the way I look at life?  Could be...if I buy a scratch off ticket often times I win another ticket, hmmm... I love challenges...yes...contest challenges.  Contests based on your skills! showed up at my office today!  Ok, not physical...
In the 80's  my ex-husband and I were the first on the  block to get Solar Heating. It wasn't something that we set out to do but owning a home was costly to us. With our limited income, we had to find ways to cut back.Our sons were 3 and 5 when we purchased the system. People thought we were nut...
Yesterday I was supposed to be in Orlando watching Nancy's son in a Martial Arts tournament.  I had planned on going to this for months.I missed the event, why because of the chain of events that occurred this week that have prevented me from getting back in my car and driving.  Am I spooked or i...
When I was a little girl my father put me on the back of a motorcycle with him.  Before he could tell me be careful and don't touch the exhaust pipe...I had already burnt my leg.  My first encounter with a motorcycle. While attending college in Broward County, I rode on the back of my best friend...
I have learned through the years, words matter. Your tone, the way you present words and the words you choose will and can make the difference in your real estate buyers and sellers minds. Often times these words play a key role in getting a customer where you want them. That is to buy or sell re...
Interesting in how many birthdays this time of year brings. I have been receiving notifications all month. Now you may wonder how I found out about these two birthdays.   With Nima, his birthday was the 15th (Monday) and I was notified by myspace.Nima is one of the first people I interacted with ...

Midori Miller

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