To all the veterans of all the wars (too many) that the United States has fought in...I write this with great gratitude for the service you have given to your Country. We are forever in your debt. No matter what you may read in the press or what is said on the networks...please know that we...the
05/28/2011 Saturday night I I started to feel poorly...I still had my boy but dropped him off at 6pm at his Moms. the time I got home I was so busy I was mad at myself for driving...especially with my boy in the car. Yesterday it did not get any better. Here are the symptoms: (understand I hate
This just happened to me. The Question: Hi Jeff, We really love the home on ______________________ but we really do not need it for 120 days. Can we set the closing for 120 days? John and Mary My Answer: John and Mary, We can ask for anything you want. The issue is most people do not want to put
On the north side of County Line Road...just east of Sante Fe in Littleton is one of the best Louisiana transplants in the Highlands Ranch area...and it is known as NoNo's Cafe! NoNo's opened in 1996 and has been going strong ever since. This family owned business has a strong New Orleans flair (
I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure. Clarence DarrowI was watching my beloved METS play the Phillies on Sunday Night Baseball. It was a great game and the crowd (and myself of course) were totally into the game. ...all of a sudden the
I have been working in the sales and real estate industry for quite some time. I truly thought it would be easy to find a fit for me...and the style of business I like to do. My long distance move means I need to leave the broker I really like. Not So! If you are any good at what you do it is eas