I have a unique situation (for me anyway). I was referred an illegal alien (undocumented). His family came to this country from Mexico when he was 16 years old (illegally). He is 38 years old now, married to a US citizen for 5 years with 2 children. He is the sole breadwinner, has been on his...
The homebuyer tax credit forms and rules are now in place for 2009 !!! I just wanted to let all of my realtor friends be informed of this new tax credit and use it as a tool to get your fence sitters into action... if you are in Georgia... feel free to send them to me for pre approval - I will in...
Mind you, I am 43 years old, thus making my growing up years in rural Carolina in the 70's and 80's.I had a drug Problem when I was young: I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church forweddings and funerals. I was drug to family reunions and communitySocials no matter the weath...
Time to strategize and get a new mind-set. I don't know how you all feel, but me... I AM NOT A QUITTER. I absolutely REFUSE to be empowered by NEGATIVE energy or "sit in the Government waiting room". Below are some POSITIVE things that 2009 holds in store: 2009 Will Be a Great Time to Buy or R...
My oldest daughter made me a Grandmother for Christmas. He came into this world on 12/18/2008, weighing in at 7 lbs and 1.5 oz. He came to visit today (with his Mommy, of course) dressed as Santa Claus --- boots and hat about a cutie. My youngest (who is 8) is tickled to death ...
When I was a little girl, I would go trick or treating with my cousins. I have a huge family which extends to my Aunts and Uncles by marriage's families. We would travel all over to gather treats --- no time restrictions and pictures galore (not to mention GOOD FAVORITE CANDY). We never went t...
We are all wondering... what do I do next? Instead of giving up - TAKE A STAND. Write more mortgages. Work with the products and investors that are still thriving. Change the negative media thus changing the potential borrower's that have a "wait and see" attitude and AID Realtors Production ...
On Wednesday, July 3, 2008, the Federal Reserve left the Fed Funds rate unchanged at 2.00%. Since September, the Fed has cut rates a total of 3.25%. The economy has slowed and inflation is becoming an important factor to the economy. To combat inflation, the Fed must ultimately raise interest ...
I hope everyone had a great Independence day! Of course, today - we get to start working for others again. This weekend for me was overtaken by home improvements (and from the look of my neighborhood - many others partook in STAYcations and were doing numerous home repairs - from roofing to lan...
Happy 4th of July everyone!!! I wanted to share a market update that I read yesterday from one of my many lenders... According to the scheduled federal meetings, the emphasis is turning toward inflation as opposed to enonomic stimuli. Apparently, the mortgage rates are going to start seeing an...