Miriam Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner
Small Boutique Residential Real Estate Company located in the New Orleans area. Individualized service..
This is just a horrible example of what is going on now.  Bank of America should be ashamed of themselves but of course that would require a corporate conscious and that doesn't exist. Nasty, nasty, nasty.  Pretty Dumb too they would have been better off with the modification.I have clients that ...
Real estate is regional and this really proves the point.  Enjoy. Part of rebuilding  New Orleans caused residents often to  challenged with the task of tracing home titles back potentially hundreds of years.   With a community rich with history stretching back over two centuries, houses have bee...
Deepwater Horizon Response -Official Website NOAA's Office of Response Deepwater Response on Facebook EPA, Environmental Protection Agency on the Oil Spill EPA Oil Spill on Twitter The White House Oil Spill Information FEMA Jobs Available Site BP's Official Site on the Oil Spill Florida Departmen...
From the New York Times more information about people who are not paying their mortgages.  The numbers of people who are not paying is increasing and the amount of time they can remain in their homes is also increasing significantly.  Some feel that the banks asked for it.   Not Paying the Mortga...
 Lot's of people use bikes to get around New Orleans. Mostly I see the kind of bikes that I had when I was a little girl with a basket on the handlebars rather than the slick racing kind of bikes.  I see bikes locked up on telephone poles, business gates, parking meters, fronts of restaurants.  ...
Absorption is a wonderful tool that we agents should use to gauge market positioning and pricing with out sellers.  This post from Debe Maxwell is clear and easy to understand and one of the best explainations i have seen.  Thank you Debbe.Calculating Absorption Rate Pricing Absorption rate prici...
This is an excellent post from Leesa Finley in Wake Forest.  She is so right and she is very smart.  We should all take her advice, never wavering.I don't know why, but I still find it amazing when Potential Buyers get mad at me for not dropping everything at a moments notice and meeting them at ...
In case you missed Saturday Night LIve due to an outpouring of support through Facebook, Bette White hosted this week.  In her opening monologue she discusses Facebook -
   The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which works closely with nearly 90 private insurance companies to offer flood insurance to property owners and renters. In order to qualify for flood insurance, a community must join...

Miriam Bernstei

smartphone(504) 908-2268
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