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Real Estate Broker/Owner
Small Boutique Residential Real Estate Company located in the New Orleans area. Individualized service..



This post is so true.  A good buyers agent is not just an order taker.  We do a lot of behind the scenes work before we even get into the car to show a property.  If a buyer has interest there is even more behind the scenes work that needs to get done. I'm often amazed when I receive an out-of-th...
  Personnally I cna't imagine doing this but the National Assocation of Realtors, our beloved NAR, has amended their trademark policy and now allows members to use the "Realtor" logo on their gravestone.  Apparently, NAR gets one or two requests a year and has in the past granted verbal approval...
I recently got a referral a couple who were not first time buyers, they had owned a property and sold it and were now looking to buy another.  Because this buyer had owned previously there is hope that they would have a little knowledge about at least some of the aspects of the process.  I have n...
I have often pondered what "Top Producer" means and why or what it means to the buying public.  To me it is meaningless. This post by Debe Maxwell is so true.  Our clients want to know what we are going to do for them, how are we going to help them accomplish their goals, are we qualified and wil...
    1/31/10 Westchester County Center The Great Westchester Toy & Train Show  Details: The Largest Toy & Train Show in the Northeast featuring more than 300 Vendor Tables. New & Antique Toys & Trains , All Gauges, Train Parts, Layouts, Appraisals, Die Cast Automobiles, Books, Test Tracks, Toy So...
There are just a few good Jewish Deli's in Westchester County.  Blooms Deli in upper Westchester has closed.  The Mt. Kisco deli is no longer in Mt. Kisco but is now located in White Plains.   "But the granddaddy of them all — Epstein’s of Hartsdale — is going strong after 40 years. Bought from t...
  As of 1/1/2010  45 Active Single Family Houses are on the Market                            3 Houses are in Conditional Contract                            1 is in Pending Status                            48 Houses during the calendar year 2009                                         Low pric...
Yesterday after showing houses in the bitter cold (-8) wind chill I had an appointment to meet a new buyer at my office.  This buyer is a first time buyer who has spent time on the internet for the past few months and is trying to get a handle on the process of buying.  While there is a lot of in...
With new bank regulations around the corner a lot of Americans are feeling helpless.  We are captive.  The reports state that the banks are going to increase fees and charge new fees and create new fees.  The folks at The Huffington Post came up with a rather ingenious idea.  The small guy can do...
This post from Yoreena Yao is an excellent overview of the new 2010 Good Faith Estimate that is mandatory on all loans.  It is not a perfect form and buyers will need to know what the pitfalls are.  This article is good place to start.For the longest time, there was no standardization in good fai...

Miriam Bernstei

smartphone(504) 908-2268
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