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Real Estate Broker/Owner
Small Boutique Residential Real Estate Company located in the New Orleans area. Individualized service..



 Several months ago I posted this information about Coyotes in Westchester County.  Last night a reader, Laurie, posted a comment that she has spotted two Coyotes near the German School in White Plains, which is amazing.  So I am repostng this information and the links for your information, In t...
Pleasantville is a charming Village with great schools, affordable housing and a train station with art throughout.  There is the downtown diner, proximity to the Saw Mill Parkway and moments to Chappaqua and Briarcliff Manor.  Pleasantville is also the home to Archie, those of us who were brough...
Each year Newsweek publishes a list of the best public schools throughout the country.  This isn't a broad analysis of the schools but a narrow one. It is controversial.  Certain schools in Westchester County are trying to opt out of this study because they say it doesn't really reflect the schoo...
The following appears under Tax Information on our Multiple Listing Site in Westchester County, New York.  This does not represent information from the MLS but is from the company that out MLS uses for tax and property information.  It's value is a comparison from one period of time to another as...
 This article appears in the New York Times Real Estate Section today, Sunday.  I am seeing multiple offers on certain properties, sold two listings within a couple of days, yet there is buildup of single family inventory and a general slowing of sales. Reflecting the national trends, some builde...
I have several printers in m home office.  One is wireless to use with my MAC. One is a combo printer and fax to use with my old DELL and if I still need to fax something which is happening less and less. One is a HP printer I bought for $150.00 because I wanted to just do black and white printin...
It's hard to believe but this weekend is Memorial Day Weekend.  I have made plans to take a few much needed days off and the minute I made the decision every buyer and seller that I have talked to wants to talk to me this weekend, or it just feels that way.  What is it about that.  Way back when ...
It is just pouring today in Westchester County. It is one of those days to stay home and do laundry, catch up on paperwork, relax, make some phone calls, and catch up on phone calls.  All of which made me think of the song "Rainy Days and Mondays" from Karen Carpenter.  For those of you who remem...
This post is not directly about Real Estate but is a wonderful idea.  I hope that individuals around the country see it and get their lawmakers to instititute this as well, if they haven't already. The Attorney General in New York State has sent letters out to all of the sexual offenders in New Y...
If you are thinking of moving and buying real estate in Westchester County are you timing the market? Do you believe that you will know when we have reached the bottom and will you be ready to snatch up that bargain? How will you know it is the bottom until you can look back and see that it was t...

Miriam Bernstei

smartphone(504) 908-2268
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