Did you know that your monthly mortgage payment will be much lower with no money down financing versus using FHA financing with 3.5% down? It is true! The monthly PMI premium is much higher on an FHA loan than a USDA loan, making up the difference in payments!Think about it! NO money down vs.
Ohio is in the midst of a huge spurt of job growth. Lowered taxes and increased incentives for businesses to locate in Ohio have helped spark the growth. Also, the state currently has 3 new major casino projects under development with 1 of them already up and running. Currently, Cleveland, Colu
If you are looking to move to the Warren County area including Lebanon, you will be very pleased with the selection of fine homes to choose from. Lebanon Ohio homes are also eligible for no money down financing through the USDA loan program. With the recent announcement of a pending new "Racino
Many buyers are in the market to buy a home, but lack the money needed for a down payment.There are several areas within Ohio that offer mortgages with no money down.Harlan Township is a no money down homes area (USDA) and one of many, but perhaps one of my favorite no money down communnities in
Turtle Creek Township OH Homes, No Money DownWith the recovery underway in the housing market, there are millions of people that would still love to buy a home of their own, as with Turtle Creek Township OH homes, but many don't realize that you can still buy a home with no money down.View all Ci
We have an amazing website to help consumers that are interested in buying a home in Southern Ohio. You can search by a vareity of ways, and refine your criteria as you will. Ohio houses and properties are some of the most beautiful homes in the midwest. The homes are very affordable and many ca
Preble County Ohio has some beautiful historical houses and properties. The city of Eaton is the county seat and is mainly comprised of historical homes, with some scattered new housing developments in the area as well. Eaton hosts the annual Pork Festival, which is actually where I'm headed af
Warren County is one of the fastest growing counties in the state of Ohio. The outlook for jobs has been improving for a long time and there aren't any signs of it slowing down. There are several global companies with operations within the county as well as numerous smaller businesses. With the
Ohio has a plethora of beautiful houses and properties for sale. Ohio's rich culture varies from region to region that defines Cincy area properties from the densely populated county of Hamilton to the scarcely populated county of Adams.Homes for Sale in Indian HillHamilton County offers a wide
I attended the Midwest Tech Fair today in Cincinnati Ohio with my business partner, Greg Hancock. There were several speakers from all over the country and they put on an excellent presentation about online marketing and social media. I was somewhat surprised that Active Rain was not mentioned in