Low Cost/Big Impact Home Improvement Ideas These days everyone is looking to save a $$$. Many home owners are opting to stay put and spruce up their homes rather than sell them. Home owners opting to sell are often stretched financially already and feel improvements to promote the sale of their
Home Buying Advice from Rochester MN REALTORs David and Lois Marris Whether you are buying your first home or you've bought a home before, ask yourselves these questions as you consider your options. 1. Does buying a home fit in with my overall financial goals? Home Ownership is just one of many
Rochester Mn Real Estate Agents David and Lois Marris on Mortgage Applications There are three main areas lenders review when you apply for a home loan: Income and Expenses Credit Score Down Payment and Closing Costs Income and Expenses Lenders will help you itemize your income and all of your
Automate your home search with Rochester MN REALTORs David and Lois Marris Finding the right home can be fun and exciting. The internet gives you instant and constant access to homes anywhere around the world. You can even look inside homes with videos, virtual tours and lots of photos and never
Rochester MN Real Estate Agents David and Lois Marris explain why NOW is a great time to buy a home. Believe it or not, now IS a great time to buy a home. I'm not just saying that because I'm a real estate agent. Rather, because I'm a real estate agent I recognize and understand the signs o
Have you ever liked a home but not the address? I've had this situation come up with several clients in the past. Sometimes people have superstitions about certain numbers and the numbers in their street address can actually prevent a client from buying a home. Some people avoid the number 13
Rochester Minnesota Public Schools, Minnesota District 535 You can find information regarding school test scores, school board meetings, school closings, lunch menus, curriculum and more at www.Rochester.k12.mn.us. 2009/2010 School Calendar: www.rochester.k12.mn.us/school85/calendars 2009/2010 Sc
April is Environmental Awareness month in Rochester Minnesota. There are many events scheduled throughout the month to focus Rochester on the environment. Get involved and get green! RNeighbors Events: April 11th: RNeighbor's Think Green Conference, 8:30 AM to 12:00 N, Heintz Center at 1925 Col
The time is right to buy luxury! If you are a luxury home buyer with a good credit score and the right down payment, now is the time to buy. The market has never been more favorable for the luxury home buyer. Interest rates are at historic lows, even jumbo loan rates. We have larger than normal
The government recently reported a rebound in home construction as new home cont ruction permits across the nation jumped 22% in February over the previous month. Previous to this increase we had seen seven consecutive months of decline in new construction home permits. Nationwide, single family