In the past SEPTIC TANK REPLACEMENT IN ST MARY'S COUNTY MD has been supported by grant money. The program involves the upgrading of septic tanks, called Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems(OSDS), to include the installation of a Nitrogeon Reduction Advanced Treatment Unit (ATU). The goal is to redu
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU IF MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES AND HOME PRICES RISE? An increase in Mortgage Interest Rates, or home prices, will decrease the amount of "house" you can get for your money. An increase in both at the same time will have an even greater impact. One point of view on "What Hap
You can OWN WATERFRONT PROPERTY IN RIDGE, ST MARYS COUNTY, MARYLAND, FOR RECREATION ONLY $55,000 This WATERFRONT lot is located on Jutland Creek in Ridge MD. Call Margaret C. 301 481 8407 for complete directions. Set this up to be your summer camp, where you can relax and enjoy. When you wan