Make an appointment to see this HOLLYWOOD MARYLAND 3BR 2BATH HOUSE FOR SALE. See the potential and and make it your own. Contact your Agent or Margaret C. Taylor REALTOR® for more information. Enjoy the private fenced back yard, 3 bay carport (for your water 'toys'), storage
We should follow the rules of our MLS and discuss with them any changes that might be needed. It looks like BoA reconsidered. Unfortunately those who don't follow the rules will probably not make any changes even if they read about them. Margaret C. Bank of America’s New MLS Requirement for Sh
Hi, I am Margaret C. Taylor REALTOR® sharing information and events in St Mary's, Calvert and Charles Counties. I previously blogged about possible changes in RD eligible areas in Southern MD and asked DO YOU NEED A 100% USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT LOAN TO BUY OR SELL A HOUSE in St Mary's, Calvert an
Did you know that you can BUY A HOUSE FOR SALE IN MECHANICSVILLE MD AND COMMUTE TO DC BY BUS? Hi, I'm Margaret C. Taylor REALTOR® sharing information and events in St Mary's Maryland. If you BUY New Construction, or a previously owned home, in the Mechanicsville MD area, you can commute to DC o