Real Estate Agent - Century 21 New Millennium MD
Houses for sale, buying a house in Mechanicsville, Leonardtown and Lexington Park, St Mary's County MD and understanding what is a Short Sale.



ST MARY'S MD USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDING EXTENSION 100% LOAN FINANCING This is a follow up to my article:  USDA OR RURAL DEVELOPMENT LOANS UP DATE FOR ST MARY'S MD  For those in St Mary's County MD, who were trying to get a 100% Rural Development loan, the news is good. The USDA funding extens...
BUILD A HOUSE IN ST MARY'S MD Would you like to build a house in ST Mary's MD?  There's lots of opportunities from Mechanicsville to Leonardtown to Lexington Park MD.  You just have to choose: Where in ST Mary's MD do you want to build a house? What style of house do you want to build ? How much ...
'SAVOR ST MARYS' RESTAURANT WEEK EVENT IN ST MARYS COUNTY MARYLAND Have you heard?  St Mary's County Maryland is going to celebrate fresh food from local farms, waterways and vineyards served by local Restaurants, Food Service Providers and Caterers. Reataurant Week runs from July 25, 2010 -Augus...
ST MARYS MD ANOTHER HOME FOR SALE IN MECHANICSVILLE MD FOR UNDER $250,000 You can buy a house in Mechanicsville MD for under $250,000.  Here is just one of the houses for sale.    This home for sale was new on the market  July 16, 2010, and priced at only $242,900.  It is a five bedroom split foy...
ST MARY'S MARYLAND WATERFRONT COMMUNITY HOUSE FOR SALE UNDER $220,000   Another waterfront community in St Mary's Md is found in Lanedon.  This is the location of a treasure for under $220,000. Although found in Lanedon it has a Leonardtown address.   I previously wrote about buying a home in a M...
MARYLAND LAW TO HELP HOMEOWNERS FACING FORECLOSURE On July 1, 2010 a new law took effect in MARYLAND to help Homeowners facing foreclosure.  It is called the Foreclosure Mediation Law.  The goal of the Law is to ensure that alternatives to foreclosure have been presented by the Lender to HELP YOU...
  USDA OR RURAL DEVELOPMENT LOANS UP DATE FOR ST MARY'S MD The National Association of REALTORS is still working on the 502 Single-Family Rural Housing Loan Guarantee Program, according to an announcement they made on July 1, 2010, to the REALTORS who had responded to a Call to Action concerning ...
 HOMEBUYER TAX CREDIT EXTENSION PASSED FOR ELIGIBLE TRANSACTIONS On June 30, 2010 Congress passed an extension of the closing deadline for the Home Buyer Tax Credit, the Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act (H.R. 5623).  This extension relates to the $8,000 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit an...
This is a follow up on the NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM NFIP previously reviewed on my St Mary's County MD website  On June 30, 2010 the Senate passed the National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2010 (H.R. 5569), an extension of the National Flood Insurance Program  until September ...
INDEPENDENCE DAY CONCERT AT SOTTERLY ST MARYS COUNTY MD Come and enjoy the INDEPENDENCE DAY CONCERT AT SOTTERLY ST MARYS COUNTY MD on July 4, 2010 from 1 to 4pm. The concert will be held on the lawn at Sotterly Plantation in Hollywood Maryland.  Pack picnic baskets, bring lawn chairs and blankets...

Margaret C. Taylor

St Marys/Calvert/Charles MD Real Estate Agent
smartphone(301) 481-8407
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