I couldn't believe this story. "Last August, Morrison's front and back yards were filled with flowers in bloom, lemon, stevia, garlic chives, grapes, strawberries, apple mint, spearmint, peppermint, an apple tree, walnut tree, pecan trees and much more... When she heard they wanted to cut it al
Canadian home buyers and sellers, beware of the bursting housing bubble. I know many Canadian real estate agents will be the last to admit it. Warning people that prices are likely to drop just doesn't sell well. It brings sales to a halt and you can't make commissions if buyers are afraid to b
Would you feel safe or comfortable in a country where your president sings "Shoot the Boer with machine guns"? Just remember, a Boer is not some wild pig, it's a white farmer. I understand it will take some time for race relations to heal after all the years of Apartheid, but cut me a break. Havi
I thought this was an interstesting story. "A man on a big farm tractor, angry about his recent arrest for resisting arrest and marijuana possession, was rolling across their vehicles -- five marked cruisers, one unmarked car and a transport van"
This interview with David Stockman is well worth watching. It's a reality check. Many hope that things will work themselves out and life will go on as we're used to. But when you're broke, you are broke. Austerity is something that happens when you're broke. I'm hoping for the best but I thin
The Sandy Springs/Dunwoody area continues to attract good jobs. State Farm to bring 500 new jobs to Dunwoody at 64 Perimeter Center East according to The Atlanta Business Chronicle. CBS is adding about 100 IT jobs according to the AJC. They are supposed to get office space around Northside Hosp
Just testing something out. Nothing to see here. So go read another post that I wrote. I just want to test out an idea and see what happens.
I got contacted by the casting director of HGTV's hit show "Property Virgins". They are coming to Atlanta and are looking for 1st time homebuyers who want to be filmed in the process of losing their property virginity. So if you want to buy your first home in the next six months and want to be o
Eminate-domain power is being considered by some California cities as a way to turn around the housing market. The Wall Street Journal writes about it today. At first glance, it might sound really good. It reduces the principle down to current home values and allows upside homeowners to get ri
I crunched the numbers so you wouldn't have to. If you go to www.hudhomestore.com you can click "Bid Results" to get to accepted bids for properties that have gone under contract over the past 14 day. The number that they show is the "net to HUD" which means that it's the number after deducting