Bipartisan standing ovation on immigration planKey Points Bill Clinton's 1995 state of the union speech clip about immigration What has changed? I'll let this video clip speak for itself.It's from Bill Clinton's 1995 state of the union speech.Both sides of the aisle gave him a standing ovation
This 27-word sentence is all you need to know about persuasionKey Points Five insights into human nature Used by marketers, salesmen, cult leaders and madmen Free pdf from 2005 now updated in a new ebook The One Sentence Persuasion Course by Blair Warren I'm not going to wreck the impact of th
Quickly lets you see if homes are level and plumbKey Points It shoots visible laser beams as far as 50 feet No walking back and forth trying to feel the slope of the floor A nice, small tool about the size of a good tape measure The Bosch GLL 55 Self-Leveling Cross-Line Laser is pretty neat I'm
Six things to include in your morning ritualKey Points Not enough time? Wake up earlier Meditation, exercise, reading and writing Change yourself, change your success I had coffee with a loan officer, Pete Brown, a couple of weeks ago. He gave me a book "The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Age
I'm so glad she called to chatKey Points The Activerain challenge to call another member Debe called me and we had a great conversation If you are afraid to call someone, start by calling Debe Yesterday on my way out the door my cell phone rang. I looked at the phone number and saw that it was
Preparing your home to do the sellingKey Points Put your buyer hat on Curb appeal sets expectations Little details can instill fear in buyers A sales pitch just brings up the shields Before you create a strategy for getting your home sold, it's good to understand the reality of what actually go
McDonald's hamburger or one made by Wolfgang Puck?Key Points Team of experts lowers the cost for agent but not the price to the public Assembly line is great until there's an unexpected problem CPA or H&R Block Is it better to have an agent who has a team of specialists to help you through the
But the public gives them five-star reviewsKey Points NAR needs to straighten things out The reviews are awful. I would never spend a penny with them An employee confirms the shenanigans and is suing Former Employee SuesI read an article on Inman News this morning about a former employee suing
"It's cathartic. As a creator too, by born nature, I'm not happy unless I'm building something." Ryan FletcherKey Points Forget the money. To me, the value of writing is bringing my ideas to life. Writing is cathartic. I subscribe to a daily email from Ryan Fletcher. I really enjoy his stuff
The new 20% passthrough business income deduction is a new deduction most real estate agents qualify forKey Points Example: if net profit on Schedule C is $100,000, you get a new $20,000 deduction NAR did a great video with experts who go over it all. Really worth watching Before Christmas, I