Macey Davis's (maceydavis) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - MD Properties



 Being a property manager in both Kent County and Washington County, Rhode Island as well as other areas in the U.S., it can be very tiring, but as well as rewarding.  I love being a property manager and meeting and working with individuals, but it can be time consuming.  I just had my first chil...
 One of my best places to do business is is Kent County and Washington County Rhode Island.  I do Business all around the nation but when I come back to these areas I feel at home because of the truly genuine people and beautiful land.  In addition Rhode Island is located in a fabulous location. ...
One if the perks of living is Rhode Island is that you get to reap the benefits of living in he New England area.  This not only includes what you would think......"FOOTBALL"  but seafood and a great place to fish and sail.  Kent County and Washington County Rhode Island are two of the greatest c...
 Selling properties in Rhode Island seem to be so liberating for me.  I sell properties all over the United States, especially in Texas, but selling and managing land here in this fabulous state is one of of my absolute favorites.  Most of my property is located in Kent County and Washington Coun...
 Managing properties sometimes has its up and down side for me.  Though I love my job, I find it somewhat stressful when I cannot in any way please my client.  Now do not misunderstand me......I do love my job and I really love the satisfaction of pleasing and helping people, but when they do not...
 Narragansett located in Washington County is a pleasant area for people looking to live by the water.  The community here is is filled with summer vacationers and friendly residents of the area.  It is best known for its summer recreation and beaches.  Many of my clientele enjoy getting summer v...
The Spa located in Wakefield, Washington county is well-located. The staff were attentive and courteous. I enjoyed the relaxed feel of the the property in general and also the attentive but courteous attitude of the staff. I was convinced that the Spa was a property I could not ignore—mainly for ...
 Though property in Block Island, Rhode Island has increased I feel that it is well worth it.  The amount of tourists has significantly improved and residential housing has also increased.  I enjoy managing my properties here and my clients love the area as well as I do.  The ferry system is grea...
  As a property manager of real estate,  I am well aware that our current economy is not optimal, but we all need to keep in mind that the economy in general fluctuates-- and especially that the American economy has an unprecedented amount of capital behind it. We have invested our lives; I don't...
  Charleston is one of the booming places I love to real estate in, in the whole state of Rhode Island.  Not only is the market great here but the business and property values are phenomenal!  Some of my best clients that live  here and say that they would never leave the area.  It is truly a won...

Macey Davis

local_phone(401) 364-3555
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