Gov. Schwarzenegger has signed Assembly Bill 183, the Homebuyer Tax Credit legislation, into law. This bill provides $200 million in tax credits for qualified first time home buyers in California. It involves a credit of 5% of the purchase price not to exceed $10,000 . To qualify you must be a
There likely will soon be a tax credit of 5% of the purchase price not to exceed $10,000 for home buyers in the state of California. To qualify you must be a first time home buyer of a new OR existing home and the sale must occur between May 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010. The bill received wi
We've all heard that phrase resonate throughout our industry as we deal with the banks and try to pick up the pieces for our clients in desperate need of a loan modification or short pay. (Advil, anyone?) The newspapers and high end politicians blithly tout the virtues of these programs to the pu
Does the real estate market and it's challenges weigh heavily on you sometimes? Does your soul want to scream George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can't Say On TV"? Of course it does. Of course there are those magic moments in our career that make our hearts go pitter-patter and we realize this is wh
Regarding unfair treatment by banks on loan modifications, short pays or foreclosures.... We all have some nightmarish stories and it doesn't seem to be abating. Ventura County Realtors are in the process of forming a focus group (Realtors, lenders, escrow officers, etc.) to present to Congress
Just a reminder to City of Ventura residents that Saturday January 16th is a household Hazardous Waste Event. It's a good time of year to get rid of some of that old oil, paint, solvents, etc. you'll never use that's taking up space!
First-time Homebuyer Tax Credit Extended The U.S. Congress has approved a bill that extends and broadens tax credits that were set to expire this month. The bill extends the credit for contracts signed by April 30th and closing by June 30th.
The days of flagrant overbidding may be coming to an end- even for well qualified investors- unless it's an all cash offer. One of our local Ventura Real Estate Brokers who does a lot of business in REO'S has reported a new trend on the part of the seller/ lenders. Typically, what we've seen with
Is the market still getting you down? Are you struggling to get in that Happy Place and keep on your Game Face? Ready to pull that short sale Negotiator who lost your file for the last four weeks through the phone lines? Fear not! I have the perfect answer to your mental woes! PLAY WITH YOUR FO
I heard from one of my lenders recently that we may know in the next week of the fate of the First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit. There are a few possible tweaks to the current system if they renew it, such as: The current tax credit of $8,000 may be increased to $15,000 Income restrictions may be ch