And you'll never believe what happened next!!! - A Blog from the Charleston & Mount Pleasant Real Estate Market

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Since I joined Activerain in January 2008, the membership has almost doubled and in my opinion, although not an expert in any way, the complexity and quality of blogs has improved. With so many blog posts to read, it not supprising that you miss some (well quite alot really). So I thought I would...
Following Brenda Archambault post Speachless Sunday earlier this morning, I thought I would join in the fun. Although I think I must have missed an important point!
Yes. If the driver has a driver's license, proof of insurance on the golf cart and has obtained a $5.00 dollar permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Then the golf cart can be legally operated on secondary residential streets and may cross a primary highway or street during daylight hours ...
We have had several daytime burglaries recently where witnesses have seen the suspect.  Their descriptions of the suspect match that given by another witness in Charleston city for one of CPD's burglary cases.  We are looking for a Hispanic male, 25-35 years old, over six feet tall, and approxima...
I joined ActiveRain on the 8th January 2008, nearly 2 two years has passed and now I have reached the "200th Post" landmark. Following my tradition of posting at my 100th and at my yearly mark, here is a summary of the previous 199 posts. So what's gone on in the past 199 posts on ActiveRain? I d...
Following my wife having a busy and successful month of September, I thought it would be time to update her listings.   Amy Langstone | Carolina One Real Estate | 843-425-6522 1 Pelican Reach, Isle Of Palms, SC Stunning Home Close To Beach 5BR/3.5BA Single Family House offered at $925,000 Year Bu...
My uncle (Peter Langstone) passed away on Thursday 24th September 2009. I was not close to him in any way. As a child we spent the occasional days visiting him and his wife. These experiences were rather boring for a young child. Apart from family functions we rary met and even as an adult then, ...
For those of you that haven't read this, may need a reminder or just want to check that their information is still current, please click on the link or guide below. 2009 South Caroline Hurricane Guide  You never know when you will need it! Be Prepared.
Amy Langstone | Carolina One Real Estate | 843-425-6522 2030 S Smokerise Way, Mount Pleasant, SC This charming home with Charleston style. 5BR/2.5BA Single Family House offered at $312,000 Year Built 2000 Sq Footage 2,500 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 full, 1 partial Floors 2 Parking 2 Car garage Lot S...
My wife's newest listing. This stunning home is 3 minutes walk from Wild Dunes/Isle of Palms beach. It would make a superb family home or vacation home or investment income property. Amy Langstone | Carolina One Real Estate | 843-425-6522 1 Pelican Reach, Isle Of Palms, SC Stunning Home Close To ...

Alan Langstone

smartphone(843) 709-8123
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A mix of the usual Real Estate market views and my strange world of things that keep life interesting.

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