Good morning! Just a few tips you might want to consider applying to your online marketing efforts. If you've followed my posts and newsletter in the past, then you probably already know that tens of thousands, and in many cases, hundreds of thousands of searches are performed every single month ...
Less than a year ago, it seemed as if most loan officers were more or less unaware of the lead generating power of search engines. But it seems as if 'Mortgage SEO' has become somewhat of a trend in todays market. Why is that? Is it just a fad? Is it even worth your time? Mortgage SEO is a refer...
Good morning! A few weeks back I posted a list of RSS directories that you should be pinging to help generate backlinks, and build your blog visibility. If you're hosting a blog with Wordpress, then most of this is automatic for you. Here's some additional sites that you can add to your "ping lis...
Uh-oh… You knew it was coming didn’t you? I just cannot resist! Every major holiday, I have to make my traditional “Strange But True” post! Sorry guys! You’ll just have to grin and bear it. Ok, since Thanksgiving is but 1 day away, let’s proceed with today’s special facts. This time, it’s coming ...
REMINDER: My next free mortgage marketing teleseminar is scheduled for tomorrow... DOn't miss it! Here's the registration page: Click here now --- Ok, back to the blog post: Online Marketing - How's your SEO? One of the most important facotrs in generating business from your website or blog, ...
I thought it'd be nice of me to post some of the resources I've been using for my latest blog creation: (It's a fun blog - check it out) Ok, enough with the self promotion, and onto the useful tools. (All free by the way) Loan Officer Unleashed was launched just 6 sho...
The Worst Loan officer in the World I've created an imaginary situation for you to read. This guy is a loan officer/trainer, and this is a list of his preferred methods to market himself. Would you buy into his products/methods? (The answer will quickly become obvious) He claims to have the solu...
Amidst all the news and debating about what could/should/will happen with a bailout, I wanted to post a quick reminder of what marketing tools you should have in your arsenal to keep your pipeline flowing. I was going to title this as a loan officer marketing post, but in reality, whether you are...
Do you have an online marketing strategy? The web is becoming more and more ingrained in our society as a marketing tool/source of information and recommendation. How have you prepared yourself for this? Yes, I know it can be difficult to motivate yourself to learn all the important "moving parts...
It happens to the best of us… We live in the “information age” and true to the term, every one of us is assaulted with a mind-blowing number of messages, advertisements, and potential distractions each day. Because of this, it’s a relatively simple matter to have your days, weeks, and even month...