I have a short story for you that leads to an incredible free online marketing opportunity for you today....Once a month I speak for the local chapter of SCORE (Division of SBA - Small Business Administration) - I manage the seminars covering online marketing and website structure. A few weeks ag...
For many, marketing online is a bit of a mystery... Sure, the idea of slapping a website onto the web seems simple enough right? But what happens next? How do you get more visitors? How do you target a specific niche? Well, have a look at this ugly drawing... It explains the preferred process: ...
Social networking sites are bent on world domination! Ok, so a bit extreme perhaps, but how many of us can walk from our cars to our homes in the evening without hearing at least 1 mention of FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, or some other major social media site? FACTS: - MySpace has more than 200 mil...
So yesterday we talked about Mortgage Marketing "Grenades" - Today we're going to talk about how to get near-instant respect from real estate agents. (Keep reading and I'll give you a sample script I used as well) See, many loan officers focus their marketing efforts on trying to lure the agent i...
Good morning! Rainy Monday morning here in the MidWest, but I'm cheerful anyway! Very excited about what's coming up next week: The loan Officer Project. A full week of intensive online marketing instruction, and even free websites given out to 75 loan officers! Yep, we're not charging a single ...
Hello there! I come bearing gifts! Todays gift is perhaps the single most important image you'll lay your eyes on all day, all week, and maybe even all month. Why? Have a look: This image is a screenshot of the results from a heat map study of Google browsers. In other words, (Look very close...
- Ok, so the subject matter of todays post reminded me of one of those "Shocking Videos" series... Blooper time people! Usually my posts are very serious in tone, and educational in nature. Looking for a light-hearted post today, so I began thinking back to some of my early days as a loan...
Did you miss the tele-conference yesterday? We covered some very detailed Onlne Mortgage Marketing Strategies. The questions asked by the audience were great! Thumbs up for really putting your thinking caps on! Anyhow, here's the audio replay. I knew we'd be filled to capacity and many of you wou...
For those of you who enjoyed my last blog post, you're going to love todays! Why? Well, for one it's in video format! (Just click play and follow along) Number 2, we're going to show you how to perform an online competition search be...
Wouldn't it be nice if you could generate all the leads you wanted online? (Realtor or loan officer, this would be great wouldn't it?) I'm here to tell you that you can. Wait... Scratch that... I'm here to show you how this is possible. The most important ingredient needed in any marketing plan i...