This is a wonderful commentary about the importance of not changing anything in your credit status when you are looking to purchase a home. That 10% savings on a new credit card may very well be the reason an approval for a home purchase quickly turns into a denial. Just say "No, thank you!!!"
This is a truly terrifying story and a must read for all parents. Here is Southern California we have seen enough tragedy through the abduction of children the past couple years. Please educate and instruct children on how to maintain their safety. Today,everyone has a mobile phone. If you ar
IT may be nuts and bolts (or rubber) but Cynthia's post is very important as families are getting on the road for holiday travels. Again, "Do you know how old your tires are?"When my family met in Grants Pass Oregon for an annual gathering, my brother's motor home had two tires that virtually ex
Oh my! When I first saw Carla's port a few days ago I really thought it was highlighting serious political discussion......and, it a very funny format. Great for a Friday afternoon!We all know how ineffective our Government has been. I took some time this week to put together a few
Extra Mile Electric lights up the neighborhoods in Murrieta and Temecula and surrounding communities! Do you love the sight of Holiday lights? I know I do! But I sure do not enjoy the chore of putting them up and taking them down! Many of us would love to decorate our homes with twinkling,
DISCLOSE, DISCLOSE, DISCLOSE!!! Real Estate Agents have heard this refrain over and over and over again.....and, yet, there is a increasing propensity of lenders to want more and more and more. This post is about the latest “trend” in lender/investor underwriting requirements. It seems that
My favorite mortgage word has to be “Portfolio”. My next favorite mortgage word is “Jumbo”. Both words in the same sentence can make my little heart go pitter patter....particularly in today’s market of “CYA” (cover your analysis) underwriting, investor over lays (FHA does that, but “I, the In
Important information for all listing agents in California! I had missed this report and have to thank Elliott, a Massachusetts Real Estate Attorney, for sharing his knowledge.The decision comes out of an Appellate Court in California. I am a Massachusetts real estate attorney. California mortga
While Lenn's blog is written about Maryland, bear in mind that everything about the post is relevant to every other state as well. The key to success when working with the FHA 203K renovation program is working with someone who is familiar and proficient with the program. My 203K department does
As Veteran's Day approaches we are reminded of the many sacrifices of our military men and women and their families. Bill Spear tells a personal story that is so compelling and heartfelt that i thought it should be shared. Sending my blessings and gratitude to all past and present military serv