I am proud to be a member of The Metrotex Association of Realtors,and to serve on several boards in our association as well. As reported inMetrotex E-News, our association has once again been recognized and awarded another top honor by The National Association Of Realtors. The MetroTex Global ...
Another important election draws near and early voting for the November 6th election day begins Monday, October 22nd. Remember, if you don't vote you don't get to criticize the choices made by others! For more information for Texas, follow the links in the report below: Many Texans vo...
For those who may be wondering - yes, it is still raining here in North Texas and it will continue to rain all day today in and around the Dallas area. Flooding is a growing issue and around town streets have high water standing or have been closed to prevent accidents and/or drivers being stran...
The low inventory trend continues for theDuncanville, TX community: Due to the relative lack thereof, new construction homes have no real impact on the Duncanville real estate market: And although the median price fluctuates month to month, it is exciting to see that the median home pr...
Alright, it is getting just a bit ridiculous...another seemingly unending front of rain is marching across the area. We would be happy to share some of the rain with anyone that would like any! Of course we know this is just water, but there are serious flooding concerns across North Texas. An...
A freaky cold front is making its way to the Dallas area and North Texas temperatures are going to plummet overnight. Of course first, we have another round of thunderstorms with high winds to get through. By morning it is going to feel like winter...and we are barely into fall. Where's my swe...
THE STATE FAIR OF TEXAS IS STILL OPEN!!! ... Although yesterday was (almost) a total wash out for outdoor's forecast offers you the opportunity to enjoy the Great State Fair of Texas! The count down is done for opening day of the greatest State Fair in the world! For over ...
An elderly woman called 911 on her cellphone to report that her car had been broken into. "They've stolen everything! The radio, my dashboard compass, even the steering wheel!!!" The dispatcher responded, "Stay calm, a police officer is on the way." Minutes later the officer arrived and radio...
Just when you thought we had enough rain...there is more already pouring down and there is even more to come. North Texas is under a flash flood watch through Sunday night as the Dallas area metroplex experiences wave after wave of heavy rain...Batten down the hatches, it is going to be a very w...
Just a little humor for Friday...this was prompted by an earlier post by Bob "RealMan" Timm asking if you knew how to change the oil in your vehicle (a useful skill set). I had responded with my step-by-step instructions and thought it might make you laugh: Well yes, I certainly do know how to c...