Dorothy Griggs's (lgriggs332) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Keyes Group - 3552545
I am a retired educator and a realtor of about two years. When I first began on this journey I was told to wear shirts "I am a Realtor" talk to people in the grocery line, etc. This is what the experienced realtors told me to do and they said, "It is so easy!" WRONG!!!!Later I found out: there co...
I am a second year realtor and I have learned a lot...through trial and error, I have learned to hide or overcome the dreaded commission breath. I began like an eager puppy, I wanted to help people find or rent a home. I was willing to show a ridiculous amount of properties. I worked around the c...
I went to a an Open House in Coral Cables listed by an associate broker from my Keyes office. It is a luxury property listed for $2M+. I wanted to share my experience of a warm, welcoming environment. Elizabeth had water, pastries, scent infusion, sign-in sheet, the listing, and all of the pertin...
My husband and I volunteer at Zoo Miami, sometimes we work at special events, act as guides through parts of the Zoo or work in the nutrition center. We are animal lovers and we like to share that love with the people we meet. This past weekend we got to be part of a "Campout at the Zoo." We were...
This is such a special day for our Country, so many men and women have served over many past decades, to hold our freedoms dear. As a member of a three generation veteran family, we will wave our flag proudly and we will attend our town's Veteran's Day Parade. I hope you will too!As a realtor, I ...
Gratitude feels good because it makes you notice the small things in each and every day which forms the type of day we will have. All of us, no matter our life situation can practice this mindset.As a realtor it can be hard to be optimistic because our career is a difficult one. We have to be mas...
Here is a brief history of how voting rights in the United States have changed and adapted over the years. June 21, 1788- U.S. Constitution is adopted and states have the right to establish voting standards July 9, 1868- U.S. citizenship granted to all U.S. born and naturalized February 3, 1870- ...

Dorothy Griggs

smartphone(305) 775-1420
local_phone(305) 775-1420
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