GARY WOLTAL Gary is a man of many words He compares life's stories with animals and birds His talents are beyond compare Just read his blogs, if you dare.. He has kind words for everyone And his sense of humor makes him lots of fun So read his blogs and you will ...
I am a very busy person most of the time. I also have a birthday coming up in Ocober. I think the fall of the year is my favorite because of all the beautiful colors the trees turn. I can also skate (growed up skating in skating rink) Would not attempt it now though, due to arthiritis and fib...
Every Tuesday we have open house for Realtors. This is so the Realtors can preview the homes before showing them. Four of us from the office piled in a car to go preview the homes. We came to the first home on our list and we went in. We went from room to room, left our card and left. We were rid...
I went with a fellow Realtor in our office to help him get pictures of a home and to preview the home while I was there. I was going from room to room to take pictures for a tour and I came to the master bedroom. The other Realtor was behind me. As I aimed my camera, the cover started moving and ...
For any of you who wish to purchase a home in the Laurinburg, Laurel Hill, Marston, Gibson, Maxton and Wagram areas, please give me call at 910-384-3387. I will be more than glad to email you the different listings from our local MLS or I will fax them to you. I also handle REO properties and for...
Nice lot in the country. It is 100 feet by 200 feet. Mobile homes allowed. Priced to sell at $6,500.00. Located outside of the friendly small villiage of Wagram, NC. Zoned R-A. Would not need a lot of clearing. Call me for more information, a plot of land, or directions to the lot. Laura Wat...
Nice lot for building a home on. It is 105 x 166 x 121 x 204.15. Located in the Stonehaven Subdivision. No mobile homes. Restrictive Covenants do apply. I have a copy of Restrictive covenants in office, if interested. Priced to sell at $10,500.00. Call me for more information, a plat of the ...
Looking for a nice lot in a nice neighborhood to build a home on, then this lot would be ideal. It is 165 x 178 x 52 x 235 x 40. Located in the Stonhaven Subdivision. Restrictive Covenants do apply and I have a copy at the office for any one interested. Priced to sell at $10,500.00 Call me for ...
This lot is 186.3 x 173.3 and had a mobile home on it at one time. The lot has a well, septic tank and power pole for electricity. It also has a small storage building that stays with the land. Priced to sell at $10,500.00 Call Laura Watts for more information, a copy of plat plan, or directio...
1107 Fairley Rd., Maxton, NC 28364 $174,000.00 103.2 acres of land located in the country. Approximately 70 acres cleared and 33.2 acres wooded. Sets off the road. The road from the main road to the land is an easement (recorded on deed). Call Laura Watts for more information, a copy of plat pla...