2109 Kenowick Ct in Spring Hill Tn - 1624 square ft on a level lot with a private back yard, it's all as good as it sounds. In walking distance to Allendale elementary school and just a mile away from Spring Station middle school and Summit high all are part of the nationally ranked Williamson co
Wades Grove Homes for sale - 4 homes closed during the first quarter of 2019 at an average price of $380,475 and increase of 4.9% over the first quarter last year. The average price per square foot of Wades Grove homes sold during the first quarter of 2019 was $156 the list price to sales price r
Spring Hill condo with 1496 square feet of living space - end unit 3 bedroom townhouse with the master bedroom downstairs and a fenced back yard with patio. Upstairs bonus room and two bedrooms with a full bath and a balcony off one of the bedrooms. Serviced by nationally ranked Williamson count
Spring Hill TN Home Sales - This update is for Williamson County side of Spring Hill, the Maury county side has totally different market trends. Sales are still strong with 50 closings for the month of March compared to 62 last year. For anyone who's been looking for a home, you know that the amo
Franklin TN Homes for Sale – March home sales were slower than the previous year with 173 closings compared to 205 for March of 2018, but prices are still strong with the average price per square foot increasing 8.5% on average to $204 compared to $188 for the same month last year. 173 homes sold