For many people, the default reaction to a new difficulty or obstacle is "I can't..." “I can't deal with this ” ... or “I can't overcome that obstacle.” Somehow, they have forgotten the difficulties and obstacles that they have successfully overcome in their lives. “I Can Walk” Unlike most animal...
When explaining why they chose specific real estate agents, clients are more likely to say that they made their choice on the basis of agents’ specific personal characteristics. What characteristics do prospective clients look for in choosing a real estate agent? Here are 12 traits that prospects...
Earning a living by helping clients buy and sell real estate is hard work. To succeed, it’s necessary to work long hours. In and of itself, working long hours does not automatically lead to success. It is after all, fairly easy to fill your time with things like random paper-shuffling, lengthy te...
By continuing to add quality to your services, you offer prospects a compelling reason for choosing you instead of the competition...including Internet options. Internet-Based Do-It-Yourself Real Estate Transactions? The virtually unlimited access to Internet resources is mixed blessing i...
Among the many factors, guidelines and principles that contribute in one way or another to achieving our desired results, 3 traits for success stand above all others: Commitment This characteristic is about being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action that is undertaken t...
Here are 12 guidelines for success that will help you achieve your goals for the new year. Like all success tips, these guidelines represent quick and easy starting points for making the necessary changes to achieve better results. 1. Align Your Personal and Business Goals Aligned goals m...
Happy New Year! I am planning on making 2012 my best year ever. What about you? What are some of your goals for the year? If like most of us who are self-employed professionals, you probably want more and better clients. When most people think of generating new business, they think of advertising...
Once again an expert has missed the point. This time around a 'marketing strategy expert' blogged about marketing professional services and offered the suggestion that it's better to sell smarts not service. Close...but no cigar. Smart Is Good No question: I value smarts as much as the author. Gi...
Along with the Christmas season, the arrival of December means that it's time to finalize our business and marketing plans for next year. A key element of planning next year's activities is reviewing this year's results. Looking back at the past 11 months, how satisfied are you with the results t...
From personal experience, it seems to me that the average real estate agent closes individual client files about the same time as the transaction closes. Average Agents/Good Agents That's probably because average real estate agents are more interested in selling than they are in marketing. Or as ...