Growing up I had a best girlfriend. That girlfriend is no longer in my life. Friends for a season and she was my best bestie for 18 years. When our friendship ended I realized that I didn't have a lot of female friends. I set out to change that and found that my mom was a wonderful friend.And
I don't think I could not have pet hair on me if I wore a new outfit home from the store. It's everywhere. When I picked up something from the cleaners recently I still found a pet hair on it. Perhaps it was from my car.... or perhaps it was just woven into the fiber of the clothes. In that sa
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I now completely understand my mom's love for MY baby when Abigail was born. Of course I knew then she loved her, but now that I'm expecting my first grandbaby in April I know what my mom was feeling 30 years ago. Look at that joy on their faces in this photo. I