Back in January when I begin helping my daughter search for a venue and make wedding plans and writing checks (lots of checks) I just kept saying that I had to work hard to not have to tap into my savings to make my only daughter have a beautiful wedding. Now that I'm just 17 days out from THE D
So if I listed 103 things you needed to know about blogging do you know what I believe the likelihood of you reading the entire list would be? How did you guess it would zilch, nada, zero. But if ALL 103 things you need your buyers or sellers to know are important then there is a way to do it an
Two and half years ago Donald and I were volunteered by my daughter to babysit for her friend Tashsa. Now you might think... rewarding? babysitting? are you nuts? But I want to share some photos and our story of growing our family. Over that two and half years these children, all FIVE of them, we
Earlier this week I read a post about an agent having an agent getting a phone voice mail blasting them for a direct mail piece. Clearly the caller didn't want anymore "junk mail" in her mail box and let the agent have it. Most of the agents jumped on the "well she's crazy" band wagon and I was a
Like most of you I've just whacked on the delete button when I get an email that tells me to update my "personal information" from places that I don't even have an account. Today I just had a little spare time on my hands and asked myself "I wonder is there any way to report this person?"I trie
In the first three months of 2016 32 homes sold on Lake Sinclair in the Milledgeville/Lake Sinclair MLS and I'm happy to report a serious upswing for the first three months of 2017.As you can see March outpaced the past 5 years in sales. In fact in the first quarter data for the past 5 years only