Lake Anna VA Real Estate Specialist (540) 226-1964 - Kate Elim

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Real Estate Agent - Dockside Realty - VA 0225142975
REALTOR, real estate, sales, selling homes, buyer representation, waterfront, Lake Anna, Virginia, resort property, lake,
We tend to grow very comfortable with the way our homes look and that sometimes means even when it is cluttered or outdated. Then the time comes to sell and we are in a quandry as to what to do and how to get it done. Or we have become so used to the way it looks we are almost oblivious to its fa...
We try to do what we can to get your home sold when you list with us but there are some things that we really need your help with and here is a good list to start with.  Luckily there are very few homes at Lake Anna that would have one or more of these problems but just in case your house does an...
I do not want to sound scripted but...I do have a number (it is really a big number) of questions that I ask buyers. How else will I know what it is they hope to accomplish and my goal is to help them do just that. Of course I ask all of the questions about price range, type of property they are ...
Labor Day fun is heading towards Lake Anna. Will you be here? Now is the time to think about all the fun you can have at Lake Anna this coming Labor Day. For those of you that have a home here you probably have not only a pretty good idea of who will be coming to visit for all or part of that wee...
Canadian geese enjoying a layover near Lake Anna. While Lake Anna is the spot that we have chosen to spend the majority of our time, not everyone or everything can do the same. Today on my way to a walk-thru I almost missed a large gaggle of Canadian geese resting in a field. It was only the fact...
Looking for a kayak at Lake Anna? I was and luckily I knew exactly where I wanted to go for it. Lake Anna's kayak hot spot. Kayaking is such a popular sport and one that my children and grandchildren enjoy so naturally they want me to do it too. To tell you the truth I was a bit apprehensive abou...
Is there a Lake Anna Waterfront Gem out there for you? I can tell you something about one waterfront home that will be available shortly. Right now I can give you a sneak peek at the interior which has four bedrooms, three full baths, and a Great Room with four sliders leading out to the deck whi...
THE MARKET AT LAKE ANNA Although Lake Anna does not lead the real estate market in Virginia we manage to catch up before too long. Like many other areas of the country we are heading towards a buyers market if things continue as they have been recently. We have a great number of homes listed and ...
I'm reblogging this for a very selfish reason. I am enjoying the entries so much although I do not have as much time as I would like to have so I could read even more. It has been fun to learn things about people I "know" and getting to know others. If you have entered the contest you know what I...
I have a new listing and think I will try this idea as we have been having quite a few Broker Opens at Lake Anna lately. It is hard to get to so many of them and this way the other agents can see my new listing at their own leisure. Broker Open Houses can be valuable when you have a good turnout....

Kate Elim

Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
smartphone(540) 226-1964
smartphone(540) 226-1964
Contact The Author
Kathleen "Kate" Elim
Dockside Realty
4634 Courthouse Road
Mineral , VA , 23117 United States

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