VINTAGE HOMES - MORE THAN JUST CHARMING! My first vintage home was a 1917 Edwardian built in the inner Richmond district in San Francisco. Since then I have owned 10 homes and renovated 6 of them, all of which were vintage. This may be considered an indicator of high mobility or mental derang
WILL BANKS BALK AT LOWERING MORTGAGE RATES? Some reporters and analyst in the financial media are now saying mortgage rates will not decline appreciably despite the feds purchase of another trillion dollars in mortgage backed securities and federal debt. According to these sources banks have
FED ACTION: LIGHT AT THE END OF THE HOUSING TUNNEL? The federal reserve open market committee announced yesterday that it will purchase over a trillion dollars in mortgage back securities ($ 750 billion ) guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and ($300 billion) in longer term federal securitie
The administration's plan for stemming the tide of foreclosures that has been drowning the housing market and threatening the entire economy has several elements. But its focus is on loan modification for homeowners who are under extreme financial stress or hold underwater mortgages. In essence
Stabilizing the Housing Market and the Foreclosure Crisis Foreclosures rose sharply nationwide in February. Here in Sonoma county even though sales were up 77.6% year over year,the median price dropped almost 30% to $305,000.Three out of five of these homes were foreclosures. Apparently this ne
A major complaint I hear from my clients is that the two- tiered system the banks are using to price conformimg loans is just another method of gouging the public.Conforming loans, are those that can be sold to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae, the so-called government sponsored enterprizes
I live and work in one of the historic districts here in Sonoma County. Last month we all gathered together to celebrate our neighbor who turned 90 years young! We tricked him into believing that we were all getting together to discuss the "round-abouts" that are placed up and down the street. Bu
The Housing Assitance Tax Act of 2008, enacted on July 30 modifies the rules with respect to gain on the sale of a primary residence. As you know, under prior law up to $250,000 of such gains ($500,000 for married coupels filing jointly) was excludable for purposes of capital gains tax if the tax
Living in the historic district in Santa Rosa you can't help but realize how connected you are to the past.The wide streets with "round abouts" and mature landscaping add to the graciousness of a year that encouraged neighborhood gatherings and parties. The McDonald historic district is named aft