Earlier this month I wrote an aticle and asked if anyone was a aware of a successful loan modification. Our local paper, The Press Democrat devoted the the front page of the Business section to a story titled "Trying to Modify" which describes the struggles a local family is going through to obt
Everyone knows about BUY LOCAL campaigns. Every local chamber of commerce supports the concept and municipal governments encourage their citizens to keep their shopping within their boundaries and that is about as far as it goes. Most of these efforts do not distinguish between locally owned an
thanks for this blog....people are afraid because they are concerned about the future but low interest rates and low prices are a rare combination.It's The Perfect Storm, but a good storm, no, a great storm. Now is probably the best time to purchase a new home in many years. Interest rates are a
Cathy...Thnxs for sharing this..this is the really exciting thing about blogging!WOW!! Brad Andersohn, with the family band, kicked off the morning with "Eye of the Tiger". We were there because things are changing and we all want to be super stars!! Here are just a few of the many tips, insights
I wrote about loan modifications not too long ago to get feed back from my fellow agents to see if they are aware of any clients, friends etc, who have reported successful loan modifications. Like me, they were disappointed with the results in achieving any REAL relief for homeowners who have be
I have learned over the years( and I might add I STILL work at this) that real estate is a 24/7 job. Being consistent with paper work, ever-ready if someone wants to buy or sell because " time is of the essence," continuing education, staying abreast of lending rules and regulations, listenin
Sam..this really IS easy to follow..thanxs!First time homebuyers and many existing homeowners will be excited about the extension and revision of the first time homebuyer $8,000 tax credit. The new tax credit is an enhanced version of the previous 1st Time Homebuyer Tax Credit but now more people
Hi Randy... Hope you are doing well...!I get calls from buyers whose real estate agent told them to call me to see one of my listings. Their agent can't make the appointment or show the property because they are at work (their real job). If that buyer finds a property they like, their agent is n
Leaving the center of Occidental we head south on Bohemian Highway toward Freestone and Bodega Road. The 4 or 5 miles between Occidental and Freestone offer some of the most scenic and bucolic landscape in Sonoma county. The winding road has gentle slopes and runs through a valley carved by
Andrew..Love the way you marketed this...! Kathleen Most Americans don't like to drive the same car, or have the same hairdo or color because they are special, different and just want something unique. Why? They are worth it, and Madison Avenue marketing feeds on that "you work hard, deserve