I do...... I bet many of you have stories to tell where out of the goodness of your heart you got involved in a real estate deal where you weren't looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but you felt you just wanted to help. I have one to share with you. I am not looking for pats
I love my Blackberry 8830, but ever since I saw the touch screen IPhone, I couldn't wait until Verizon came out with a similar version. Well, the day will arrive shortly. My son sent me a great link that has a detailed review of the new Blackberry Storm (touch screen) After reading the review
I'd love to hear from anyone about real estate gifts that they either have given or received at Christmas that you or the recipient really enjoyed and it didn't cost an arm and a leg. I was thinking of a Christmas CD with a personalized CD cover with my contact info. on it.
It means just what it says. A homeowner purchases a second property "Buy"and then stops making payments on the first property in which they had been living, hence "Bail". Why would anyone want to do this? And how do they do it? There could be a variety of reasons such as their present home lo