Real Estate in Kailua Kona, Hawaii, with Lance Owens (RS), Kimi Nagatoshi (RS) and LUVA Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - Kona Home Team (luva llc) - RB-24133
Hawaii Real Estate at its finest, we help our clients buy and sell homes here on the Big Island of Hawaii. If you are looking for agricultural land, horse property, ocean front condo, Luxury home in a gated community, vacation rental property and our favorite - first time home buyers! Our team does it all. We encourage you to see how great a team we have assembled and a what we can do for you.



No I'm not pulling your leg - I Woke up to a beautiful site this morning, Mauna Kea, on the Big Island of Hawaii, covered in snow! A lot of people don't realize that Mauna Kea is the Tallest mountain in the world, and it sits right next to the Largest mountain in the world - Mauna Loa. (don't con...
Kind of exciting, I am sitting here in a tropical rain storm, under a flash flood watch, and decided to check the Mauna Kea Webcams - its starting to SNOW. A lot of people do not realize how much snow the big island gets - but we get a decent amount. The cool thing about it - its about an hour dr...
Realtor Lance Owens , your Kailua Kona, Condo Specialist, whether it is your retirement home, second home or vacation rental investment - I'm your guy So taking a look at the stats, Hawaii MLS reported Kailua Kona Condo sales were up 21.43% over November of last year - what is really impressive -...
I like to form my own opinion on what the market is doing, and I have found it to be a far better barometer of what is - REALLY - happening in the market, VS. all the "Official Reports", that are either "Market adjusted" or "Twisted" in some manor to to draw a conclusion that favors the person wr...

Kona Home Team (LUVA LLC) Lance Owens (RB-24133)

2024 Real Estate Expert - Hawaii Island
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Luxury Real Estate Sales, MLS Hot sheet, News, Market Reports, for the Kailua Kona area, West Hawaii, Mauna Lani, and Waikoloa Beach Resort areas.