Real Estate in Kailua Kona, Hawaii, with Lance Owens (RS), Kimi Nagatoshi (RS) and LUVA Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - Kona Home Team (luva llc) - RB-24133
Hawaii Real Estate at its finest, we help our clients buy and sell homes here on the Big Island of Hawaii. If you are looking for agricultural land, horse property, ocean front condo, Luxury home in a gated community, vacation rental property and our favorite - first time home buyers! Our team does it all. We encourage you to see how great a team we have assembled and a what we can do for you.



Absolute deal of the day - we are talking about 2001 Pricing, on a Home in Kailua Kona, Hawaii. I am not the listing agent on this property - but would love to represent a buyer on the purchase of this home this home is 20 years old, the interior of this home needs remodeling, but the bones of th...
Aloha Brian ThisĀ is the first time I have reblogged something, so if you have any objections please let me know. As a fellow short sale specialist here in Kailua Kona, HI - I think you brought some very informative information to our clients Aloha and Mahalo for your hard workHAFA Provisions Comp...
Specializing in Kailua Kona Foreclosures, short sales, and bank owned properties , I wanted to let you know about one of the nicest bank owned property's out there. But first I need to interview you before I tell you about it. 1: you need to like motorcycles - our whole family rides dirtbikes. 2:...
Front Page - yesterdays paper - HOME SALES CRATER AS GOVERNMENT STIMULUS DRIES UP - then, next to it in RED - Real Estate market remains sluggish in West Hawaii- and I am sitting there thinking - WHAT? - did I just wake up from a daydream, is this really not one of my best years yet? All these re...
If you read the West Hawaii Today newspaper today - You're probably wondering what kind of DRUGS I am on - right? If you're me - I am wondering what they are on ? I just got home from my Brokers class and read today's paper - Unbelievable!!! FRONT page today - Real Estate Market Remains sluggish ...
If you read the West Hawaii Today newspaper today - You're probably wondering what kind of DRUGS I am on - right? If you're me - I am wondering what they are on ? I just got home from my Brokers class and read today's paper - Unbelievable!!! FRONT page today - Real Estate Market Remains sluggish ...
Short Sale vs Foreclosure? What is best for my client? Both have + and - points. The foreclosure: Plus-Usually get an answer fairly fast, Minus-house is usually a train wreck, Plus-House is usually priced well, Minus-many are hard to get financing on because of the train wreck, Plus-still thinkin...
I am not trying to send a political message here, I just believe the American public needs to know more than just what the news states - they need to look at the facts and make an opinion for themselves. As far as I am concerned 98% of our politiicians are full of themself, Democrats, Republicans...
2 units fell back on the market First one - AliiĀ Lani 2/2 2nd floor - was approved at $157,000 by the bank - buyer fell out. Current market Value puts this at $145,000 - call me, lets write an offer. I have over 25 short sale transactions closed - Personally - and our team has over 100. Rest ass...
I know this has probably been posted already, but if you havent seen it - WATCH IT - now

Kona Home Team (LUVA LLC) Lance Owens (RB-24133)

2024 Real Estate Expert - Hawaii Island
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Luxury Real Estate Sales, MLS Hot sheet, News, Market Reports, for the Kailua Kona area, West Hawaii, Mauna Lani, and Waikoloa Beach Resort areas.