Last weekend, I watched the movie "300" again with my husband. I love the bravery and the commitment of those soldiers. I always love stories about people who are willing to stand alone. As the last scene of the movie clearly depicts, being the last man standing give the enemy a lot of ability...
This week, Scandia Valley in Poulsbo said goodbye to a man who has truly been a fixture in the valley for years. If you ever got a pumpkin from the Scandia Patch, chances are your life was touched in some way by Dwight Droz. Dwight was 96 when he passed and I can't help but reflect on the rich ...
When I came to the Westsound area of Puget Sound six years ago, I had NO trouble adjusting to winters. When I herded onto the ferry on foot at some early hour in the dark and in the rain, I was smiling. Inside I was celebrating because I didn't have to shovel my driveway or scrape an inch of ice...
We help people buy houses. More importantly, we help people make homes.My son came home from college this weekend. While we were making pizzas and having a beer in the kitchen we talked about his classes and his student teaching. He said one of his new favorite authors is Maya Angelou. Ms. Ang...
The soul of a writer lives within me. So far, it's not anything that will pay the bills but maybe someday it will be. So I write and I blog. Not often enough, but I blog.The soul of a sales person also lives within me and she has actually done pretty well in her life. She made me a successful...
I've been in this business now since June, not exactly an oldtimer in real estate. I have a lot of experience, just not in real estate. I'm not sure my clients know the difference. I've been doing open houses now since I started. I've heard repeatedly that open houses don't work, they're a waste ...
I don't know if there's every a 'good' time to cold start a real estate practice. I look forward to better times. I host Open Houses, I send out letters, I call people I know well and people I barely know. I am one lucky person who actually gets the occasional floor call at my office and I'm wo...
Presentation Makes A DifferenceNow that the other shoe is beginning to drop in the mortgage ‘meltdown', we have to remain hopeful for our customers. I learned today from a panel of lenders that this situation with all the ARMS resetting will culminate in March of 2008. So we have a way to go an...
If a baseball player or champion bicyclist takes steroids or some type of performance-enhancing drugs, he/she may accomplish great things and go to heights never imagined. A batter could break the unbreakable record set by Hank Aaron decades ago. A bicyclist could win tour after tour and make ...
I have been known to notice small details about a person which gives me better understanding. Those insights into others can make me more compassionate and understanding providing one of my character flaws isn't rearing it's ugly head.Being in sales challenges me to keep my character flaws in ch...