In his quest to appease the too big to fail banks making sure the CEO's get the bonuses promised so his campaign coffers remain flush Barney Frank is working hard to keep his promise of killing any and all competition for home loans leaving only the too big to fail banks to lend to the consumer.
The highly touted and much patting on the back until it bruised (Thanks NY AG of NY Cuomo) occurred when loan originators were lectured about how badly they behaved. After all it was the loan originator that put pressure on the appraiser to pull values out of their 'pockets'. What do you know...
History.... Anytime we turn in a claim to our insurance company pertaining to our home and damage that information is collected for all insurance companies to see. This information is stored in a 'repository'. Experian and Equifax are both repositories storing information about our credit. If you
I am usually available to my clients (borrowers/Realtors) as they need me and on Saturdays it is not uncommon to get a phone call or two about qualification on a home a borrower may be interested in or a call from a Realtor to confirm the price range our mutual client can afford before the offer
Nutty professors at HUD, the spoon fed (by lobbyist) congress and its agencies run around making speeches, proclaiming villains, pointing fingers yet right under the noses of all these knuckleheads bad players continue to play bad. Case in point is Lend America's Mike Ashley. Caught, arrested, fi
The HVCC appraisal regs that went into effect thanks to the Attorney General of NY Cuomo (probably will run for Gov of NY and certainly at some point will run for president...oh yea former HUD secretary under Clinton...Cuomo was a disaster there too)... His response to serious issues is from the
Rates are good now for the short term and one way to shed some light where our interest rates will be in the future is to look into our past. I have attached a link showing the history of long term rates going back to 1971. See below: In my old marketing
HR 3126 deserves the support from the consumer, Realtor, obviously the lending industry, (the banks won't support it because it will save the consumer money and Banks lose revenue) and support is needed from all the other vendors supporting the real estate market place IF the amendment killing th
Stealing and changing the title a bit from the Britney Spears "hit" song whenever it came out was inspired by HUD's latest announcement that it is considering "Civil Money Penalties" against the FHA underwriter if HUD FEELS (I emphasize the word FEELS) the underwriter didn't underwrite the loan p
The VA (Veterans Administration) loan continues to quietly perform - zero down, seller paid closing costs, seller can pay revolving debt for buyer under certain circumstances and the default rate is only 4.69% confirming the myth the down payment is a crucial component for a loan to perform is F