I just love the simplicity of this To Do list by Kristen Ueckert, Ueckert Realty in Keller Texas. These 5 things will attract motivated buyers & provide weight and confidence when selling your home. The love (and more money for your home) is in the details.1. Flower up curb appeal. Do the lawn an
Dear Powerful Listing Agents, I'm seeking a tip or two from you, & I'll link back to your site or blog. If you read my last post, you know about www.homesellingdiy.com Yes, it's for future home sellers, and some might even be FSBO's...it's their choice regardless of how impressive a marketing pla
I"ve begun a new project. Well it's what I've always done, just in a different way. I started to dig into ways to reach out to sellers & especially those considering going FSBO. To have a trusted place where homeowners & future home sellers could go to & figure it out. We know that 80% of buyers