Clear Lake Texas Real Estate

Title Insurance - Heinrich Group
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem' -- Ronald Reagan I have another quote that I would like to add AND....... 'If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under' Also by.. Ronald Reagan One last thought for the day: Winners Make it Happen, Losers Let it Happen!
  DO YOU HAVE A YOUTUBE VIDEO??  Did you know that 13 hours of videos are uploaded on every minute and 100 million videos are viewed daily. If you don't have any exposure on YouTube please take a look at my 35 second video that you can create in 5 minutes. 
Don't take the givens for granted.   Not to be paranoid, but things change, and if you are not in favor of big surprises, it is best to test all major waters on a regular basis.  There might be some good surprises waiting to be discovered.  If you don't get to them in a timely fashion, perhaps so...
Impatience is a virtue.  Push a little harder. No one likes to be pushed, so we all try to be gentle with our prospects and customers. Unfortunately, that's really not good for them-or for us.  We are paid to help them move forward (with our product or service).  We have to move the question.  We...
Who are the best in your business?  What do they do that you don't? No need to re-invent the wheel.  Who are the big sales wheels in your company?  When you attend your next sales meeting, work 'em over.  What makes them go?  Ask specific questions.  Compliment them on their accomplishments, but ...
3 Ways To Keep Someone's Attention     We are living in a world that is now in a constant state of distraction!  There are just way too many things that distract us from the kazillion alerts we have set, to our blackberries and even our need to multitask! Here are 3 ideas to help you navigate th...
5 Easy Tips to Improving Your Website Now!! I recently read a great article on and it was titled 5 Easy Things You Can do to Improve Website Conversion Now.  They just as easily could have called it 5 tips to Improve Your Website, Period!  Here are the 5 Great Tips combin...
I'm sure you're seeing more and more QR codes in the Real Estate industry.  They are becoming popular because it's an easy way to link Videos, flyers, Virtual Tours, blogs and your website without taking up a lot of space. Here is a website that I came across and wanted to share with you.  This w...
Statistics Show How to Make a Lasting First Impression! A good first impression is the way to start a great relationship. A negative first impression can often be overcome, but why give yourself the extra work? Statistics from psychological studies show what to do to make a first impression that...
Youtube's NEW Online Video Editing Tools   YouTube has just made your life easier with improving your videos.  YouTube can be a HUGE tool, so start using it today.  And let YouTube be your friend.  Youtube's NEW Online Video Editing Tools and Features I've been waiti...
The Art of Social Listing Exposure  If you're looking for the article that tells you how to blast your listings out to everyone on the Web, this isn't it. If you're looking for the article that gives you a list of all the Facebook apps that auto-post listings to your business page or wall...this ...

Kevin Heinrich

smartphone(281) 723-1982
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Real Estate News with a Value added punch Clear Lake Texas Real Estate

I think this is a good rule to live by! "We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are always there for others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you." ~ Jeff Warner

One last thought for the day:

"Winners Make it Happen, Others Let it Happen!"

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