Kevin Kauffman's (kevinlkauffman) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Group 4610 Network
For today, we would like to share some of the changes that we have made in our process and our scripts to create urgency in sellers. In the short sale world, getting people to gather the documentation and make this difficult decision to short sale their home has generally taken 3 to 4 weeks. We h...
Good morning everyone. We are Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver, Arizona's premier short sale team. We are closing in on the one year anniversary of Shortsalepowerhour. In honor of that anniversary, we would like to do something special for that episode. So, please submit your ideas for our anniver...
Today's episode is going to feature some complaining. However, by the end of the episode, we will bring this talk full circle with some information on how to overcome the problems. Recently, we have been getting an increased number of requests from bank employees for documentation that is comple...
Please join us tomorrow night at the 3TV studio for a FREE Short Sale & Real Estate Seminar.
All San Diego Short Sale Agents welcome LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE:  Short Sales: Crush It or Be Crushed  REGISTER HERE ***Warning: This class is not for the politically correct, faint hearted, rule followers of the world.*** Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver, owners ...
With another Mindset Monday in our midst, we would like to talk about the same topic that we visited on Friday. We discussed the Wells Fargo fiasco. When the news of this new Wells Fargo policy came out people freaked out. They were wondering how they would ever do another short sale with Wells F...
I am reposting this blog as a CAUTION to other agents... Please get and understand that not everything is as it seems.  There is a whole lot more going on in the back ground with the servicer/investor relationships than any one of us could possibly understand without actually reading the Master S...
Welcome to another episode of Freaky Friday. The topic of freakiness today is an email from Wells Fargo that has been capturing the attention of short sale realtors. We have gotten many phone calls and emails about this Wells Fargo letter. So, we would like to address that email today. The email,...
Kevin is joined by a couple of the top agents in the short sale industry, Josh Pomerleau and Sarah Willman. Josh and Sarah are the premier short sale specialists in Minnesota. Short sales didn't show up two years ago in Minnesota like they did with Arizona short sales. They are just starting to ...
Fred is joined by his good friend Knolly Williams after wrapping up a great week at MegaAgent Camp. Knolly has been doing short sales for more than 7 years, closing more than 500 short sales. He has spent more than 20,000 hours working with short sales. That has helped a great deal when he is tal...

Kevin Kauffman

Kevin Kauffman
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