Kevin Kauffman's (kevinlkauffman) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Group 4610 Network
This is officially the first episode of Short Sale Power Hour, year two! Fred is currently on hold with PHH Mortgage, a smaller lender in the industry. He was trying to finish up this call with PHH Mortgage before filming, but that has not happened. We talk about the big four banks lots on this ...
It been an amazing run with the first year of Short Sale Power Hour. Here are some interesting statistics Unique visitors: 38,413 Total Visits: 120,839 We've made 267, that have garnered us 1627 comments from viewers like you. That doesn't include comments from Activerain viewers and Youtube view...
Good Morning everybody. We have a big announcement for you. You do not want to miss tomorrow's episode. Tomorrow is our one year anniversary. Be sure to check in with us tomorrow to help us celebrate that monumental date. We've been in southern California teaching Crush it classes. One of the th...
Welcome to Short Sale Power Hour. Today is Fred's 30th birthday. Wish him a happy birthday in the comments below. Our freaky Friday story today comes from an incident the other day. Fred asked Kevin to make a phone call for him. An unnamed bank approved a file but the bank will not remove deficie...
Welcome back to Short Sale Power Hour with special guest Brian Gubernick. We'd like to discuss promissory notes today and how to handle situations when the bank or investor is asking for promissory notes. We've been dealing with short sales for about three years now. In 2008 and 2009 there were s...
We've got special guest Brian Gubernick with us today to speak about bankruptcy attorneys and how they affect the real estate industry occasionally. There are some attorneys that are offering advice on short sale or foreclosure when they don't truly understand short sale or foreclosure. One of th...
Many of you tune in daily to Short Sale Power Hour. We appreciate it very much. So, if you feel that we have influenced your business or your life in any way, we would appreciate your vote in the Inman News Most Influence Person In Real Estate. Both Kevin and Fred have been nominated. However, in...
Welcome To Short Sale Power Hour again. Today is Mindset Monday. Quickly, we would like to say thanks to the people at Think Big Work Small. We've been working with them on a few things. Also, tomorrow we will be in San Diego for a Crush It Short Sale Class and Wednesday we will be in Irvine for ...
Welcome back to Short Sale Power Hour. We have Coach Collard with us today again. He has been with us throughout various steps in the process of building Group 46:10. The first time Fred met Coach, he had the opportunity to see Coach Collard working in the outback. He does a great job of taking t...
Today we are going to talk about investors. Not the investors that go out and buy properties, but the investors that own the loans that we negotiate short sales on. We would like to specifically talk about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. First of all, how do you even find out who the investor is? The...

Kevin Kauffman

Kevin Kauffman
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