Forbes magazine has a very good piece about how well Seattle will do compared with other places and came out with this list of cities that they believe will best ride out a recession: 1 Austin, TX 2 Oklahoma City, OK 3 Honolulu, HI 4 Portland, OR 5 Tulsa, OK 6 Virginia Beach, VA 7 SEATTLE, WA 8 B...
3-hour clock class, Nov. 7, on Bainbridge: $15 Oct. 17, 2008 Class registrations are nearing the half-full point, so don't miss Dylan Chalk, local home inspector, is the lead instructor for this 3-clock hour class on "green" housing and how to add credible sustainability and energy efficiency fea...
Last year the Jumbo Loan market came to a screeching halt when the investor market for Jumbo loans disappeared and the difference between interest rates for a conforming loan and a Jumbo loan widened sharply. The Conventional Wisdom at the time was that the big banks would seize the opportunity t...
Treasury yields where higher this week. The 10-Year Treasury Note closed the week at 3.98%, up 10 basis points from last Friday's close at 3.88%. Mortgage rates this week once again departed from the trend of the 10-Year Treasury. Next week: Thursday will see a lot of financial announcements, fr...
Wild swings are not limited to the stock market as mortgage rates also swung swiftly throughout the week, ending with an improvement versus last week. 30 Yr Fixed Rate conforming loans locally are in the 6.25% to 6.625% range depending 1 point to no points (along with other credit factors); 15 Yr...
I have done bookmarks for my local Library to remind people that we are a nonprofit and that their tax dollars do not support keeping the lights on or keeping the building in good shape nor the grounds landscaped. I did a very nice full color bookmark very inexpensively and we made it available ...
Everyone likes to save money and I never like to pay retail when it comes to marketing materials. I love to get a discount and so whenever I am making an online purchase, I open another browser window and start "Googling" for the discount codes or the in-store flyer for the office supply majors. ...
I was the head of the Fannie Mae's newly opened affordable housing office in Seattle when we moved from DC back home. We lived for a year in West Seattle before finding where "home" would be to raise our future family. We were DINKs - dual income, no kids -- but my wife told me she was pregnant t...
Once a Cubs fan, always a Cubs fan. It's a blessing and a curse. I have to believe if you look up in the dictionary"pain and suffering" it must say "see Cubs fan." Chicago will always be where I am from (I lived there for most of the first 10 years of my life) and I will forever be a Cubs fan: t...